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Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz, Birkenau, Monowitz, Dachau, Chelmno, Sobibor, Belzek, Majdanek, Buchenwald, Sashsenhausen, Theresienstadt, Warschau, Krakow-Paszow, Soldau, Niederhagen, Dora, Flossenburg, Grossrosen, Janowska, Kaiserwald, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Oranienburg, Plaszow, Ravensbruck, Stutthof, Terezin and Westerbork

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14y ago

The gas chambers didn't have names. They took the name of the camp they were situated in.

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Q: What were the names of all gas chambers in Holocaust?
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What camps were the gas chambers located in during the holocaust what were the names of the camps?

concentration camps.

What things do the holocaust have?

gas chambers and crematoriomes

Is there documentation that supports the use of gas chambers during the holocaust?


How many bottles of gas were used in the Auschwitz gas chambers during the holocaust?

~24,000 *Cans

What happened to people inside gas chambers during the Holocaust?

they suffocated and died

Related questions

What camps were the gas chambers located in during the holocaust what were the names of the camps?

concentration camps.

How did they gas the prisoners in the Holocaust?

by putting them in gas chambers

What things do the holocaust have?

gas chambers and crematoriomes

How many gas chambers happened in the holocaust?


What is the point in gas chambers?

The Holocaust was a very scary time for the Jews. The gas chambers werement to make them suffer, and kill them. --- The point of gas chambers was to kill large numbers of people quickly.

Is there documentation that supports the use of gas chambers during the holocaust?


Are there documents supporting the use of gas chambers during the holocaust?


Where were these people take in holocaust?

consintration camps and gas chambers ovens

What was the gas wagon in the Holocaust?

The gas vans were mobile gas chambers. They were developed from the T-4 programme.

How many bottles of gas were used in the Auschwitz gas chambers during the holocaust?

~24,000 *Cans

Why was Auschwitz the worst concentration camp to be in during the Jewish Holocaust?

they sent the most jews to the gas chambers out of all of the camps

Who were killed in gas chambers?

During the Holocaust, millions of Jews, along with other groups such as Roma people, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled individuals, were killed in gas chambers by the Nazis as part of their genocidal policies. This occurred primarily in extermination camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.