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Antiseptics are chemicals which kill bacteria without harming living tissue. They are normally used to sterilize and area of skin e.g., hands before performing an operation or arm before drawing blood or clean a wound e.g., kid fallen off bicycle onto gravel. They are different from disinfectants (which would harm living tissue and so should only be used on objects) and antibiotics (which are medicines). There are some antibiotic containing preparations (creams and some toothpastes) available over the counter which are used in the same way as antiseptics take care with these though many antibiotics don't kill bacteria but only prevent them from multiplying. Alcohols Ethanol. isopropyl alcohol and methanol. Used in antibacterial hand gels, alcowipes, "spot" creams and aftershave. Halogens Betadine (10% povidone-iodine), Tincture of iodine - mostly hospital use as iodine is a yellow/brown color so makes unattractive creams. Benzene derivatives Benzylkonium chloride (sold as Lysol, wetwipes), Hexachlorophene (Sold as Septisol, Phisohex), parachlorometaxylenol (sold as Dettol) Interestingly both Benzylkonium chloride and alcohol are found in many brands of mouthwash. Grannies Store cupboard Salt water - it stings in cuts but salt water will kill most bacteria species if only by osmosis. Advice Never put anything like antiseptics in your eyes, ears, open or infected wound or any mucous membrane except on the advice of a physician.If you are buying OTC antiseptics for topical use, ask the pharmacist{NOT the clerk] for a recommendation.

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Q: What brand names of antiseptic and disinfectants are you familiar with?
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