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The North American and Eurasian plates separate to form the North Atlantic Ridge.

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Q: What are the names of the two plates that separate to form the North Atlantic Ridge?
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What major plates correspond with the mid-Atlantic Ridge?

The North American and Eurasian Plates in the North Atlantic and the South American and African Plates in the South Atlantic border the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

What underwater ridge has formed where the North and South American plates meet the African and Eurasia n plates?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge

What plates is eyjafjallajokull on?

Eyjafjallajokull is located in Iceland on the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge which separates the North American and Eurasian plates.

What tectonic plates is surtsey on?

Surtsey is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is the boundary between the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

What plates were involved in the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull?

The North American and Eurasian plates, between which is the Mid-Atlantic ridge - the location of Eyja. On the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - as at all constructive plate boundaries - the two plates move apart from each other. As they separate magma easily escapes to fill the gap, either as a relatively gentle eruption or a lava flow.

Are the plates at both sides of Mid-Atlantic Ridge continental or oceanic?

Plates on either side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are oceanic plates.

What two plates collide to form the mid-Atlantic ridge?

The Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate

What three plates make up a divergent boundary near the Atlantic ocean?

The four plates that make up the Mid Atlantic ridge are the North and South American Plates, the Eurasian plate, and the African Plate.

What rate are the plates moving at the mid Atlantic ridge?

The mid Atlantic Ridge plates are moving apart at approximately 2.5 to 3 centimeters per year.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of?

A spreading ridge, where two plates diverge.

When did the mid Atlantic Ridge start to separate North America from the British isles?

200,000,000 years ago

What plates meet at the mid-atlantic ridge?
