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Natural resources: petroleum, copper, asbestos, some marble, limestone, chromium, gypsum, natural gas, frankincense, steel, crude oil

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8y ago

Natural Resources of Yemen are Petroleum, Fish, Rock Salt Marble,small deposits of coal, gold, lead, nickel, and copper; fertile soil in the west.

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11y ago

194 southern Yemen they fight against northern yemen but north they have help from Iraq and the sudan so north yemen

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in its nature :)

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Q: What natural resources in Yemen?
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What are natural resources in Yemen?

The Natural Resources in Yemen are: Petroleum, fish, rock salt, marble, small deposits of coal, gold, lead, nickel, and copper; fertile soil in west.

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What are the resources of yemen?

Natural Resources of Yemen are Petroleum, Fish, Rock Salt Marble,small deposits of coal, gold, lead, nickel, and copper; fertile soil in the west.

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Yemen is the second largest country on the Arab peninsula. It has a population of over 23 million people. Yemen has few natural resources and depends on agriculture as a means of support.

What resources does Yemen have to offer?

Yemen has oil and natural gas. It also has some small amounts of gold, copper, and coal. The west side of the country has agriculture.

What are yemens natural resources?

The Natural Resources in Yemen are: Petroleum, fish, rock salt, marble, small deposits of coal, gold, lead, nickel, and copper; fertile soil in west.

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