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Disadvantages include:

-Becoming known as a leader on your campus

-Helping your community and learning to become a contributing member of society

-Forming friends that you will have for life

-Achieving an overall sense of purpose in life and satisfaction with doing well

-Having a support network to help with Academics

-Getting to network with employers and be seen as a leader- thereby giving you an advantage in the job interview.

Oh, you wanted disadvantages? My bad..

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12y ago
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12y ago

It's difficult to generalize. Not only do individuals vary, but across any campus, fraternities can vary as well. If you are deciding whether to join a fraternity, it's important to ask the right questions. By choosing the right fraternity for you, you'll avoid many of the negative effects and get the most out of the experience. That said, fraternity life isn't for everyone.

(1) The fraternity can distract you from academics. A good fraternity is composed of people who support each other's success in school. But with so many activities available as part of the experience, if you don't have good self control you may find yourself in over your head.

(2) Avoid groupthink. Fraternities are a community. Like any community, this can be positive, but you must also be aware of your individual values. A strong fraternity has a good bond between its members but also respects what each person contributes. Joining a fraternity that embraces diversity (and by this, I don't strictly mean racial, but one that values the individual) is important. Groupthink can also lead to hazing, which unfortunately is a problem in many houses. Be clear on what you will and will not tolerate, and walk away if the group's values are not your own.

(3) Fraternities are an easy target. It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch. Likewise, a black mark can be put upon the entire chapter and the entire Greek-letter system -- therefore also painting you with the same brush. Your leadership is important to building a positive view of your chapter and fraternities overall. Be aware that actions have consequences beyond yourself, and look out for your fellow brother. Vow that a fraternity will make you a better person, not worse.

(4) Fraternities cost money. Some might say it's "paying for friends" although more accurately, I had many friends before I joined. The organization actually provided cheaper housing than nearby apartments and dorms. And my chapter has a really fantastic house that we kept up very well. (Not always true!) Like any organization with the types of programs that we run, from social events to dinners to trips etc., it does require funding. Luckily in my case I saved money vs. living elsewhere, but you have to be responsible with your money.

I had no interest in joining a fraternity as a freshman. But as I became involved on campus, I got to see both the negatives and the positives of fraternity life. I wasn't going to just join somewhere to fit in. There are plenty of houses with a reputation for lacking chivalry and overdrinking. When I found the one house that made sense for me, based on the friendships that I had gained, I did accept their offer to join. You can tell from my answer that I've had a good experience, and I'm always happy to speak more about that, but you need to know yourself well and what you want to get out of the experience. You need to develop your leadership as a member and look out for your organization. Or you might find yourself sucked into the wrong place, with the wrong values.

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10y ago

The bad effects are that you have to do whatever you are asked to do. Also you go have to be pledge which is tradition.

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10y ago

The bad affects of a fraternity include, not focusing on school. Also, could include recreational drug or alcohol use. Likely to be involved with partying as well.

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15y ago

Drinking, Drugs and girls if he can get them.

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