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There are far to many elements following the 6th on in the Periodic Table. Included below is a link to a very nice Periodic table.

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2w ago

The elements after the sixth element in the Periodic Table are ruthenium (44), rhodium (45), and palladium (46).

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Q: What are the next elements after the sixth one?
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What is similar for elements located next to one another anywhere on the periodic table?

Elements located next to one another on the periodic table share similar chemical properties due to having the same number of valence electrons. This results in similar reactivity patterns, bonding behaviors, and physical properties among these elements.

What are the elements next to the stairstep line called on the periodic table?

The elements next to the stairstep line on the periodic table are called metalloids. They exhibit properties of both metals and nonmetals.

Which is not one of Aristotle's four elements?

Light is not one of Aristotle's four elements. Aristotle's four elements are earth, water, air, and fire.

What is the name of elements characterized by the belated filling of the next to the outermost energy levels?

They are called transition elements or transition metals. These elements have partially filled d or f orbitals, which lead to unique properties such as variable oxidation states and the ability to form colored compounds.

Why is there a sudden jump in the atomic radius in elements in group 18 and the next higher element in the next period in group 1?

The sudden jump in atomic radius from elements in group 18 to the next element in group 1 of the periodic table is due to the addition of a new principal energy level (shell) in the atoms of group 1 elements. This extra shell increases the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons, causing a significant increase in atomic radius. Group 18 elements have filled valence shells and do not add new shells until the next period, leading to the marked increase in atomic size.

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seaborgium, Sg. See related link.

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Their atomic number differ by 1. It is applicable for elements located next to one another.

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One third of one sixth is one eighteenth.

What is one sixth of 1?

One sixth.

Where to get answers from Elements of literature sixth course?

Elements of Literature sixth course answers may not be obtained from the internet or anyone who is not taking the course. Answers can only be obtained through the information provided in the course.