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A and C-sharp.

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Q: What are the notes A major which make the major third?
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How many notes make up a chord?

the basic chords are major and minor. a major chord is made up of the first, third, and fifth notes of the major scale. for example:C D E F G A B Cin a c major scale, the first, third, and fifth notes are C, E, and G, and these three notes make up the chord C major, which is usually written as simply "C."It works the exact same way with minor chords.C D Eb F G Ab Bb Cin a c minor scale, the first, third, and fifth notes are C, Eb, and G, and they make up the chord C minor, which is written as "Cm" or sometimes "C-."hopefully this is helpful. if you'd like me to explain more complex chords i can

What notes make up G Major chord?

The notes of the G Major chord are G, B and D.

What 3 notes make up f major?

The three notes of the F major chord are... F A & C

How many notes make up the major scale?

7 different notes.

What is the difference between major and minor triads in music?

Major triads are made up of three notes; a major third interval followed by a minor third interval. An example of the C major triad is C E G. A minor triad has a minor third interval followed by a major third interval, such as C E Flat G.

What are the notes to make up F major?

The notes in the F major scale are: F, G, A, B flat, C, D, E, F

How are the different major and minor chords played?

It depends on what you mean exactly. If you are referring to what notes are included in the chord, it depends on the exact chord designation. I major triad consists of the first, third, and fifth notes of the major scale. A minor triad consists of the first, third, and fifth notes of the minor scale. There are many variations of each chord however. If you mean how do you play a particular instrument, it depends on the instrument.

What three notes make g major?

The 'G' Major chord is 'G','D','B'

What are the intervals between notes in a chord?

Depends on the chords you are talking about. Major chords have a major third then a minor chord Minor chords have a minor third and then a major chord Augmented chords have two major thirds Diminished chords have two minor thirds

What notes are produced by lowering the third fifth or seventh steps of major scales?

In a major scale, these 3rd, 5th, and 7th steps are equal to a major third, a perfect fifth, and a major seventh, respectively. If you were to lower these (by half a step, or one semitone), you would get a minor third, a diminished fifth, and a minor seventh, respectively.

Why is the scale with no sharps or flats called C major?

That is an interesting question, the reason is because the scale starts on the note C and uses the interval of a major third, and it just so happens that no black notes are needed to make the scale sound good.

What three notes make up g major?

G , B and D