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The chord of A minor - is composed (excuse the pun) of the notes A C & E.

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12y ago

A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. All are natural.

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14y ago

E g b

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Q: What are the notes that make up a A minor?
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What three notes make up G minor?

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In music theory which notes make a minor key?

Since there are several minor keys, each minor key is composed of different notes. Thus, there a several possible answers to this question. Here is an example of the notes in the minor key A minor: A, B, C, D, E, F, G or G sharp.

What are the chords in an a minor?

If you mean what are the notes in and an A minor chord, the notes are A, C, and E.

Why there are 12 types of natural minor?

Because there are twelve notes in an octave and a natural minor can start on any of the 12 notes.

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You can't play G minor or any other chord on a recorder because to play a chord, you have to be able to sound at least 3 notes at the same time - and you can only play one note at a time on a recorder. BUT, you CAN play the three notes that make up G minor one at a time which are G, B flat, and D. This effectively creates the same feel as playing a G minor chord.

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C Major chord = C E G

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The injury was minor and painless. (Musically)- There is a minor for all musical notes for example C minor

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What natural minor scale has the most flat notes?

The natural minor scale with the most flat notes is G♭ natural minor, which consists of 6 flats: B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭, G♭, and C♭.

What are the notes for the E chord?

The E-major triad is composed of an E, a G#, and a B. To make this chord minor, flat the G#.

What notes are played in a g minor chord?

G minor is G, B-flat, and D.