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Q: What are the objectives of k to 12?
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If k over 3 plus k over 4 equals 1 what is k?

K/3 + k/4 = 1 LCD=12 *divide lcd by denominator* K(4) + K(3) = 12(1) 4k + 3k = 12 7k = 12 k=12/7

What is the importance of k to 12?

importance of k to 12

The quotient of a number K and 12?

It is K/12.

What were President James K. Polk's objectives in Oregon?

Division at the 49th parallel

12-4 plus k equals 85?

12 - 4 + k = 85 8 + k = 85 k = 77

Is online school free?

K-12 is the education format followed in US. K-12 education is provided online by various online schools and homeschooling. An organization called K-12 online/ K-12 Inc provides K-12 education online but is not free, it is a private organization and charges for providing K-12 education.

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A geometric sequence is defined recursively by an equals 12an-1 The first term of the sequence is 0.001 Which of the following is the explicit formula for the nth term of the sequence?

n=1 a(1) = 0.001 n=2 a(2) = 0.012 n=3 a(3) = 0.144 n=4 a(4) = 1.728 n=5 a(5) = 20.736 .... n=k a(k) = (12^(k-1))/1000 let n = k+1 a(k+1) = 12^(k)/1000 12(ak) = a(k+1) 12(12^k-1)/1000 = 12^k/1000 the 12 gets absorbed here. 12^(k-1+1)/1000 = 12^k/1000 Valid for k and k+1 therefore our equation A(n) = 12^(n-1)/1000, n(greater than or equal to) 1

What is k times 4 equals 48?

k * 4 = 48 k = 48/4 k = 12 so 12 * 4 = 48

What is 12 out of 15 has as fraction?

It is any ratio of the form (12*k)/(15*k) where k is a non-zero integer, or a common factor of 12 and 15.

Why must k be less than twelve for 6 x k equals 12?

k = 2 and 2 < 12

What is an equivalent fraction for 12 16?

It is a fraction of the form (12*k)/(16*k) where k is any non-zero integer or a common factor of 12 and 16.