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Objects that can be moved by electricity include motors, electromagnets, and electric pumps. These devices transform electrical energy into mechanical energy, allowing for movement or operation.

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Q: What are the objects that can be moved by electricity on science?
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Is science studies motion light sound magnetism electricity and forces?

Yes, science studies motion by analyzing the movement of objects, light by examining its properties and behavior, sound by studying its waves and frequencies, magnetism by observing interactions between magnetic materials, electricity by investigating the flow of electrons, and forces by exploring interactions that cause objects to move or change direction.

What is moved in science?

In science, objects, particles, or substances can be moved from one place to another by applying a force or energy. This movement can be used to study the behavior of matter and to understand laws of motion and energy transfer. Transporting materials allows scientists to conduct experiments, analyze data, and make observations that contribute to scientific knowledge.

Does ststic electricity move objects?

Static electricity can attract objects or cause objects to stick together due to the imbalance of electric charges. However, it does not have the ability to physically move objects on its own.

Does static electricity affect objects?

Yes, static electricity can have an effect on objects by causing them to attract or repel each other due to imbalances in electric charge. It can also cause small objects like hair or pieces of paper to stick to surfaces due to electrostatic forces.

How does static electricity affect the objects?

Static electricity can cause certain objects to attract or repel each other. It can also cause objects to cling to each other or create sparks when discharged. Additionally, static electricity can interfere with electronic devices and disrupt their normal functioning.

Related questions

How electricity happen?

(Surface) Electrons are moved from one object to another, usually by rubbing. Note that the objects are non-conductors.

What are the examples of object moved by electricity?

Answer #1:When electricity moves an object, it possesses kinetic energy. Examples of kinetic energy include planets orbiting the sun, wind, and a flowing river.========================Answer #2:None of those are moved by electricity.Objects moved by electricity include electric motors, the toner in a digital printer,the clapper in a doorbell, and bits of tissue picked up by a rubber comb..

Is electricity an application of science?

yes,electricity is the application of science

Is science studies motion light sound magnetism electricity and forces?

Yes, science studies motion by analyzing the movement of objects, light by examining its properties and behavior, sound by studying its waves and frequencies, magnetism by observing interactions between magnetic materials, electricity by investigating the flow of electrons, and forces by exploring interactions that cause objects to move or change direction.

Is electricity a physical science?

Electricity is from the sky. Sky is part of nature. Nature is part of science. Therefore electricity is related to science. Simple.

What is moved in science?

In science, objects, particles, or substances can be moved from one place to another by applying a force or energy. This movement can be used to study the behavior of matter and to understand laws of motion and energy transfer. Transporting materials allows scientists to conduct experiments, analyze data, and make observations that contribute to scientific knowledge.

How are static and current electricity obtained?

Typically, movement is used to obtain electricity of the static or current varieties. Rubbing two dissimilar objects together has been used to create a difference in the distribution of charge (static electricity). Current electricity is typically made by a dynamo or generator: a wire is moved through a magnetic field.

Does ststic electricity move objects?

Static electricity can attract objects or cause objects to stick together due to the imbalance of electric charges. However, it does not have the ability to physically move objects on its own.

What type of science is the flow of electricity?

The answer is engineering science.

Does electricity heat up objects?

yes. the more electricity the hotter.

How do electricians use science?

they use science by working with electricity

How does static electricity occurs?

static electricity occurs when objects gain electrons