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Q: What are the odds of being mugged in California?
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What are the odds of being mugged?

The odds of being mugged vary depending on factors like location, time of day, and personal behavior. In general, the risk of being mugged is relatively low, but it's important to take precautions such as staying aware of your surroundings and avoiding risky areas to reduce the likelihood.

What is being mugged?

Being mugged is the urban slang for a Robbery, a person threatening another person with violence in order to steal cash or property.

What are the odds of you being pregnant?

The odds of me being pregnant are 0 as I am male.

What ruler of rome mugged his people?

No ruler of Rome mugged his people.

What is the word for people being attacked and robbed?

mugged harassed, attacked, jumped, beat up, assualt

What part of speech is mugged?

The word mugged is a verb. It is the past tense of the verb to mug.

When was billie joe mugged?

He was mugged at gunpoint in early 2001. That is also why he is afraid of guns.

When did Charles Odds die?

Charles Odds died on May 3, 1955, in Los Angeles, California, USA.

When was Mugged - Flight of the Conchords - created?

Mugged - Flight of the Conchords - was created on 2007-07-01.

What are the release dates for Mugged - 2005?

Mugged - 2005 was released on: USA: 31 October 2005

Why do women get mugged?

Women get mugged for the same reason that anybody get mugged. Some criminal thinks he can steal something from her and get away clear. Women may appear to be easier victims , and may indeed be, than men and so may be mugged more often.

What is a good sentence for the word assailant?

After being mugged, she was called to the police station to identify her assailant in a line-up.