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Poems that go up and down are called 'Acrostic' poems

Example: T -fhskjf

R -sdjkh

E -jdddh

E -euyaj

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Q: What are the poems called that go up down?
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Because it does go up and down I am 6 and even I know that all windows go up and they go down

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You can read New Years poems online from the Poem source website. Once at the website, scroll down the left navigation until you find New Years and click on it to bring up the poems.

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ima kid so i mostly play games so one way to do is if u have a kid u could tell them to go onlineand look up humor poems and they get hooked or go on games and tell them poems or ypungword@my dick

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seamus heaney has wrote around 2 million poems. go learn ye irish historyy! up the ra!:P #dickss

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