

Best Answer

positive impacts are:

computers are better

negative impacts are:

there are non

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Q: What are the positive impacts of ict on youth?
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What are the positive and negative impacts of ICT in medicine?

nothing. hope this helps! peace out

How could ICT generate employment for youth in Ghana?

ask your mom

What are some positive impacts of ICT on security other than growth of a certain market?

Informational and Communication Technologies have many positive aspects of security. They allow certain markets to grow, but they keep these same markets from being taken over by consumers.

What are the negative impacts about using ICT in school?

Negative impacts of using ICT in schools include potential distractions, over-reliance on technology, unequal access to technology among students, and concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity risks.

What impact is brought by modeling to the youth?

Modeling can have both positive and negative impacts on youth. Positive impacts include building confidence, improving self-esteem, and providing opportunities for personal growth and self-expression. However, modeling can also perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, contribute to body image issues, and create pressure to conform to societal ideals of beauty and success. It's important for youth to have guidance and support to navigate these influences in a healthy way.

What are the impacts of entertainment media on youth?

Deafness when they get older.

What positive impacts does an earthquake have on the earth?

there are no positive impacts when an earthquake happens, it only causes misery and destruction

What are the positive and negative economic impacts does clear cutting timber have?

Positive impacts-lower wood costs

What are the positive impacts of the love canal?

there was no positive impacts from Love Canal it should of never happened in the first place

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What are the positive impacts of earthquakes?

there aren't any

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