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Q: What are the possible combinations of gnomes that can safely be put into a boat?
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My friend has a bumper hitch on his Chevy silverado. Can that be used to tow a 16ft aluminum boat safely?

i have a Pontiac Aztec with a hitch from a bronco and we have a 15 ft fiberglass boat so im sure his Chevy can pull the boat safely

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The maximum weight and/or number of people the boat can carry safely.

Can you run a 150 motor on a boat rated for 115 HP?

Not safely or legally.

What is the art and science of conducting a boat safely from one point to another?


It's another boat signals their intention to pass you from astern what should you do?

Maintain course and speed to allow the faster boat to pass safely.

What is the primary responsibility for a vessel operator in in assisting a boat in distress?

The primary responsibility is to assist, to call the coastguard, to save life, and if possible, to aid in towing the vessel safely to shore if that is feasible.

What are the responsibilities of a riverboat pilot?

To learn the depths of the river and navigate the boat safely through its current.

Which is the proper route to take when overtaking another craft?

The boat coming from behind has no rights. It must overtake the slower boat safely whichever side it chooses.

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What size is the biggest boat or yacht that can be safely and legally towed by a standard pickup truck?

depends an the truck

Is it possible to get a boat from Cyprus to Kos?

Yes, it is possible to rent a ship.

How is it possible to use steel to make a floating boat?

very possible