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Schaffer paragraph - The Jane Schaffer paragraph (commonly known as a Schaffer paragraph, Schaeffer paragraph, or Schæffer paragraph, and misspelled as Shaffer paragraph and Shafer paragraph) is a five-sentence paragraph developed by Jane Schaffer, used to write essays. The paragraph only makes up one of many paragraphs...

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Equator Principles - The Equator Principles (EP) are a set of environmental and social benchmarks for managing environmental and social issues in development project finance globally. Once adopted by banks and other financial institutions, the Equator Principles commit the adoptees to refrain from financing projects...

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Paragraph DevelopmentDevelop paragraphs in a variety of patterns that reflect yourthinking about the material. As you write the topic sentence and its supporting sentences, lookfor ways to structure your thinking. Where one author advanceshis or her material by narrating a series of events, anotherundertakes a physical description and another undertakes ananalysis of the topic. These patterns of paragraph developmentusually emerge in the process of revision. More than one pattern of development may be used in a series ofparagraphs.

Here are some important modes of paragraph development:Exemplification




Comparison and contrast


Cause and effect

Classification and division




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What is the principles of paragraph development?

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combined paragraph development method is a type of methods in which at least 2 types of paragraph development methods are used . Clearly , mix of at least 2 other types .

What is a paragraph development by combined methods?

combined paragraph development method is a type of methods in which at least 2 types of paragraph development methods are used . Clearly , mix of at least 2 other types .

Paragraph development by exemplification?

Paragraph development by exemplification mainly relies on various examples. A writer will develop a general statement in the topic and list specific examples in the paragraph.

The principles which underpin professional development?

The principles that underpin professional behavior and development are:FairnessRespectHonesty andResponsibility

What is the cardinal principles of writing?

To use complete sentences in a paragraph.

What is the principles of pharagraph development?

The principles of paragraph development include unity (all sentences support the main idea), coherence (ideas flow logically), and completeness (provides enough information to fully develop the topic). Paragraphs should also have a topic sentence that states the main idea and supporting details that explain and expand upon this idea.

What is an example of development?

Paragraph development is when you create a complete paragraph. A typical paragraph focuses on a single idea and contains as few as three or as many as five sentences. It should have a main idea which is then developed by the other content in the paragraph.

Important of paragraph development?

The most important aspect of paragraph development is that it keeps the reader reading. If a story is worded and formed poorly, no one will want to read it. Good paragraph development will make the story easier to understand as well.

What is the paragraph development using reasoning?
