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they all can be used to find the answer to the same wole number

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Q: What are the relationship between fractions decimals and percents?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between ratios fractions and percents?

They are all different ways of representing the same thing: a relationship between two numbers.

What is the relationship between repeating decimals and fractions?

They are both representations of rational numbers.

What is the relashionship between fractions and decimals?

The relationship between fractions and decimals can be seen as follow. Fractions can be represented as ratio of two numbers and on dividing can give a decimal value. And decimal value can be converted into a fraction too.

What do people use more fractions or decimals or percents?

No records worldwide, but fractions are mostly used for thirds, halves and quarters and "one in a million", whereas percents are used for most other numbers where percentage is between 1 and 99 (Note football demands 110% from its players!)

What is the place value commonly used when converting between decimals and percents?


What types of numbers are between zero an one?

Fractions and decimals

How do you convert between fractinons and decimals?

Fractions to decimals: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Decimals to fractions: Put the fraction without the decimal point in the numerator. In the denominator, put a "1", followed by as many zeroes as there are decimals. For example, 0.058 becomes 58 / 1000.

What number is between the fractions 10.40 and 20.50?

These are decimals and there are an infinite number of numbers between these numbers.

What are differences and similarities between fractions and decimals?

the way it is written, they can equal the same amount

What decimal fraction is between 19 and 20?

There are infinitely many decimals fractions.19.00000000119.000000001000000619.0000000010000219.0000000265and so on

What are the fundamental differences and similarities between fractions and decimals?

They Are both ways to express partial #'s

Why are fractions decimalspercents and ratios equal?

Think of a ball. In different countries, it might be called a bola, a palla or a balle but it's still a ball. Fractions, decimals, percents and ratios are different ways to express relationships between numbers. If there are two things and you have one of them, it could be said that you have 1/2 of the objects, or 0.5 of them or 50 percent of them or 1:2 of them but there are still two objects and you have one of them.