

Best Answer

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - 1988 Daddy-O - 4.7 was released on:

USA: 20 July 1991

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Q: What are the release dates for Mystery Science Theater 3000 - 1988 Daddy-O - 4.7?
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yo no se go ask your mother

Whack fol the Daddy-o?

Wack fol the daddio is some thing like "have a big swig (of whisky) (in remembrance) of father' and nothing to do with hitting an old man. "Whacko is actually "waught" as in "willie-waught" which is Scottish/Irish for a deep draught. Look at the words to Old Lang Syne. The Irish add "o" to the end of words same as the Australians eg righto, goodo, Jacko, Johnno etc, thus whacko and daddio or daddyo. "muisce rinne don a do amadan" in Gaelic which means "water (whisky) made for your time" or less literally "have some whisky to pass the time". Listen carefully to the Dubliners. It is NOT "musha ringa dum a do duma da".

What does 'musha ring dum-a-do dum-a-da' mean?

Probably it means nothing. Sometimes people put fun sounds into songs while they are improvising, and other than the fun sound, it has no deeper meaning. If it didn't come from a song and it is instead something like baby language, it certainly could have a meaning, but it is probably something more general like "I'm happy" or "I'm curious." ... which is could mean, symbolically, in a song too, I suppose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just adding on here... Did you ever notice how the same words with a thick accent are phonetically different? Imagine this, and think about whether it makes sense: "I first produced my pistol then produced my rapier I said 'stand and deliver, or the Devil he may take ya!' My shot (musha) rang- dum a doo dum a dah Work (Whah-rrrrk) for my daddy-o ____________________________________________________________ I agree that it could be a brogue accent, Let's take it a little further; "Musha rin um du rumda, Whack fall the daddy-o" My Shot Rang, um du rumda (the noise that a black powder gun makes), Whack (the noise that a ball round makes when it hits you) Fall (what you do when shot) the daddy-o ( the guy you just robbed and shot) Just my own take on it... ____ I think you've got it! :) That makes sense! __________________________________________________________ Muise (pronounced Musha) = Indeed! in the Irish language. "mo mhuirnín," ( pronounced Mauvreen) means "my love" "mo ghrá" means my darling.