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Q: What are the remains of once living organisms found in sedimentary rock?
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What are the remains of once-living orgainismsfound in sedimentary rocks?

All fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Some sedimentary rocks are made of nothing but fossils such as chalk. A creature ( microscopic or larger) skeleton is deposited after death usually on the ocean floor. Sediments cover it, and over time turns into a fossil.

What are remains of once living organism found in sedimentary rocks?


What are the remains of once living organisims found in sedimentary rocks?


What is a rock formed from the remains of living things called?

These remains are called fossils.

Which word means the remains or imprints of once-living organisms found in layers of rock?


Why don't we find fossils in igneous and metamorphic rocks?

Fossils are remains or impressions of living organisms and they are found in the sediments in or near where they lived. Living organisms cannot live in a molten magma which cools to become an igneous rock. Metamorphic rocks used to be sedimentary and igneous rocks but they were buried very deep under mountains and any traces of fossils in the sedimentary layers have been removed by the heat and pressure which altered the rock.

Fossils are most commonly found in which type of rock?

Fossils are most commonly found in sedimentary rocks. These rocks form from the accumulation and cementation of sediment, which helps preserve the remains of organisms over time. Sedimentary rocks often provide the ideal conditions for the formation and preservation of fossils.

What are the remains of past life found in sedimentary rock?

sometimes fossils

Which word means the historyof life in the geologic past as indicated by the imprints or remains of living things?

The word is "paleontology." It is the study of the history of life based on the imprints or remains of living organisms found in rocks and fossils.

Sedimentary rocks are the only rocks that can potentially contain what?

Fossils. Fossils are traces or remains of ancient organisms that are often found preserved in sedimentary rocks. These rocks are formed from the deposition and solidification of sediment over time, providing an ideal environment for the preservation of fossils.

What type of rock would bones or shells and plant remains be found?


Is limestone found in the earth's crust?

Yes, limestone is a sedimentary rock that is commonly found in the Earth's crust. It is formed from the remains of marine organisms such as coral and shells that accumulate over time and solidify into rock.