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This enormous electrical discharge is caused by an imbalance between positive and negative charges. During a storm, colliding particles of rain, ice, or snow increase this imbalance and often negatively charge the lower reaches of storm clouds. Objects on the ground, like steeples, trees, and the Earth itself, become positively charged-creating an imbalance that nature seeks to remedy by passing current between the two charges.

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Q: What are the roles of static and current electricity in producing lightning?
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Is lightning a current or static electricity?

static electricity

How does lightning realate to electricity?

Well i don't know about electricity but i know about static electricity. Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. When static electricity moves, it is a current. When static electricity in clouds discharges to earth there is a huge, very short current pulse (surge).

What kind of electricity is lightning an example?

Lightning is an example of static electricity

Is lightning AC or DC voltage?

Lightning is static electricity. It's a buildup of charge, and it is facilitated by charge separation. In that light, it is DC.

Why is current electricity more useful than static electricity?

because static electricity cannot be controlled or manipulated like current electricity (think of the saying "lightning doesnt strike on the same place twice")

What is the difference of static electricity and current electricity?

Current electricity requires an energy source, it would not flow unless there is a complete circuit to flow through continuously and it only flow through conductors where as static electricity does not require all of these. Static electricity can have extra protons or electrons and there foe can be either positively or negatively charged. Current electricity is simply the flow of electrons(negative).

Is lightning a compound?

No. Lightning is static electricity.

What kind of electricity is lightning?

static electricity

What is the difference between lightning and the electricity that you use at home?

There isn't. Thomas Jeffrson couldve Tod you that. Lightning is just a huge charge of electricity from charged up clouds (and the ground, too!)

What is a natural form of static electricity?

A natural form of static electricity is lightning.

How does static electricity start?

Static electricity occurs when two objects rub against each other, causing electrons to be transferred from one object to the other. This transfer of electrons creates an imbalance in charge, leading to one object becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged. The resulting build-up of static electricity can produce sparks or shocks.

What are the two basic types of electricity?

The two types are "static electricity" and "current electricity."