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I think that schools should have dress codes, just not strict ones. Students should be allowed to express themselves, as long as they're not going around in 2-inch miniskirts and shirts advertising sex and violence. Inappropriate clothing doesn't contribute to the learning environment, but neither does suffocating students' self-expression.

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14y ago

You are asking too general a question here, because school dress codes vary among schools. So I can't really answer this for you specifically because the question is too open-ended.

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13y ago

Kids shouldent have a dress code because they need to express them selves show there own style.

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10y ago

yes they do not need a dress code

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Some do some don't

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Q: What are the rules of school dress code?
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That would depend entirely... on the dress-code rules for your school !

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No, it's a school event, which means school dress code.

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It depends on the dress code policy of the specific school. Some schools may allow leather jackets as part of their dress code, while others may have restrictions against them. It's best to check with the school's dress code guidelines to see if leather jackets are allowed.

Can kids wear what they want at school?

well to be honest it depends on the school . Most schools have a dress code you would need to look at the schools rules. Also some schools you cant where what you want and obviously they are schools with uniforms. So I would just say look at school rules/dress code, but most the time you cant where what you want .

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That depends on the school. There is no universal or nationwide dress code, and in military schools camo is quite a common sight.

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yes, why not?Edit: Check your schools dress code rules.

Is there dress code at boca high school?

There was in 1994 but and in 2010-2011 they got a new princpal that is changing to rules to dress code: collard shirts (black , blue , white , and red ) with jeans and no rips for 2011-2012

Does Bructon Mills School in WV have a dress code?

I go to Bruceton School and they have no dress code only limits.

Do kids have to wear uniforms at private schools?

yes,because private schools are usaully religious so they do not want you to show off anything.Answer:It is entirely dependent on the rules or dress code of the school. Uniforms may or may not be required. There is no requirement that a private school have a dress code.

What is the dress code for school children?

They vary from school to school.

What are there legal documents on student dress code?

That would be explained in the school handbook under dress code.