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People who study tornadoes are a type of meteorologist.

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They are called storm chasers, though not all storm chasers are scientists.

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Q: What are the scientists called that chase tornadoes?
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What are people called when they chase tornadoes?

They are called storm chasers.

What type of scientists might chase a tornado?

Since tornadoes are a weather phenomenon most of the scientists who study them are meteorologists. Most storm chasers are not scientists.

What are fire tornadoes also called?

They are also called fire whirls. This is the term preferred by scientists as they technically are not tornadoes.

Why would anyone chase a tornado?

There are a number of reasons. Some do it for the thrill. Some people find tornadoes to be irresistibly fascinating. Some people who chase tornadoes are spotters. They can report where a tornado is, which helps warn people who may be in the path. A few people who chase tornadoes are scientists whose goal is to study tornadoes and gain a better understanding of them. Some of the information they gather could improve tornado prediction.

Which scientist chases a tornado?

Scientists who chase tornadoes to study them fall under the category of meteorologists; weather scientists. Most storm chasers, though, are not scientists. Most are photographers, storm spotters, or thrill-seekers.

What is the verb in Some people chase tornadoes?


Who is a famous person who chases tornadoes?

well people who chases tornadoes are storm chasers. Some of the more famous storm chasers include Reed Timmer, Josh Wurman, Warren Faidley, and Howard Blustein,

Why do meteorologists like to chase tornadoes?

Meteorologists chase tornadoes because they can conduct research to better understand and predict them. Many storm chasers, though are not meteorologists, and just chase for the thrill or because tornadoes fascinate them.

Can scientists create tornadoes?

Not real tornado. Scientists have produces small vortices in labs that resemble tornadoes, and have simulated tornadoes in supercomputers, but they cannot create real tornadoes.

How can scientists keep track of tornadoes?

Scientists track tornadoes using Doppler radar and reports from eyewitnesses.

What are the various ways that scientists try to prevent tornadoes?

Currently, none. Most scientists have acknowledged that it is impossible to prevent tornadoes.

Why do scientists follow tornadoes?

Scientists follow tornadoes to track where they are going and warn people in their paths. They also study tornadoes to learn more about them so they can be better predicted.