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Oral herpes and herpes zooster are slightly different types of herpes.

Oral herpes is what causes cold sores, herpes zooster is what causes chicken pox and shingles.

For oral herpes usually you would get some itching, burning and or tingling symptoms occuring around the out side of the mouth around the lips. Then a pimple / white blister comes up on or around the lips, which then can break into an open sore or larger blister. Cold sores / fever blisters can last any where from 1-4 weeks depending on how sever they are. They can be easily treated with over the counter cold sore creams or antiviral medication.

For oral herpes zooster (shingles in the mouth) you mouth would be in a lot of pain, so much pain that it can prevent you from sleeping which can cause a bunch of other side affects.

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15y ago

Shingles is caused by the same herpes virus that causes chickenpox. It usually presents as a very painful rash that wraps around one-half of the torso; very rarely will the rash show on both sides at once. You have a stinging, burning sensation that makes it uniquely uncomfortable - most people with shingles go immediately to their doctor because they feel so bad. Antiviral medicines like Valtrex and Zovirax are used to help drive the virus back into hiding, and pain medicine helps with the pain. There is no cure, however, and anyone who has had chickenpox will probably get shingles at some time in their later life.

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11y ago

The first symptoms of shingles are Itching, tingling, burning, pain. These symptoms are followed by a red blistered rash similar to sunburn. This rash will be extremely painful to the touch. This rash usually starts as a stripe of blisters which warps around the side of the torso. Shingles rash near the eye should be checked by your doctor immediately as it can lead to permanent damage to the eye. Extra care should also be taken with people who have weakened immune system due to chronic illness or cancer. There is no cure for shingles however there are medications to reduce the symptoms so if you suspect shingles you should see your doctor. Some have found that a cool bath will relieve the discomfort of the rash.

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12y ago

Shingles is caused by a virus called herpes zoster, the same virus that causes chickenpox. According to WebMD, when that chickenpox virus becomes active in the body again, it will cause shingles. A painful skin rash, it can be a small patch of skin, or a band on the skin. Symptoms of the condition depend on what stage that the shingles virus is currently in.

Before Rash Stage

The stage that occurs before the rash develops is called the prodromal stage. They symptoms include flu-like symptoms and discomfort in the chest or back. Discomfort can also occur in the arms, legs, neck, face, head, and belly area. Pain and burning may occur along with tingling and numbness. Tender lymph nodes and swelling are also signs that may occur during this phase.

During Rash

The stage that the rash is active is just called the active stage. This is where the band or area of rash will occur, with or without blisters. If there are blisters the fluid inside will begin clear and turn a cloudy color within three days. A pain that feels like pinpricks could also occur with the rash. The blisters burst in five days, healing in about two to four weeks.

Chronic Pain Stage

The chronic pain stage is called postherpetic neuralgia, or PHN. This stage is a common complication of the shingles virus and can last from days to years. The symptoms in this stage are extreme sensitivity to touch and a pain that is persistent and chronic, lasting for years. Other signs can be stabbing, burning, or aching pain in the same location that the shingles rash occurred. The pain in the forehead or chest can lead to depression, sleep disturbances, and eating problems.

This condition can be easily confused with other conditions. The rash may be misdiagnosed as poison oak, scabies, impetigo, or the herpes simplex virus. Pain that comes from the shingles virus will feel much like migraines, ulcers, appendicitis, or a heart attack. It is very important to get proper medical treatment to make sure that your pain is from the shingles and not these other conditions.

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11y ago

Shingles is the name the rash that is caused by a recurrence of the chickenpox virus in adults or in people with weakened immune systems. This issue should be taken to a doctor as soon as possible for medication and treatment.

The first sign of shingles is typically a fever. The person in question might feel very sensitive to being touched and they might feel a little lightheaded. At first, this may look like a normal virus, but then the condition worsens. People who have shingles often feel dizzy or weak, and they might show signs of slight improvement before the next stage of the disease occurs. They may also have stomach issues like nausea and diarrhea, something that also make the inexperienced observer confuse this issue with the flu or with a normal virus.

The mos obvious sign of shingles is a band of skin rashes, usually located along one side of the body. There may also be a rash along the side of the face. The rash is typically quite reddened, and it sends up blisters that are often clear at first and then cloudy as time goes on. There may also be pain like prickling needles along the sides of these rashes.

As time goes on the blisters will tend to subside or break. This usually takes about five to seven days, and within two weeks, the blisters will heal, though some will leave scars. Shingles is definitely a disorder that can leave scars, so do your best not to touch the affected areas if at all possible.

If you are concerned that you may have shingles, consider taking your symptoms to a doctor. They can tell you for sure what you need to be doing. Be very careful, as this condition can worsen significantly in a short span of time.

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11y ago

Shingles is a disease that affects older people who had chicken pox when they were children. Chicken pox is caused by the herpes zoster virus. Even when the disease has run its course, the virus isn't eliminated but only goes dormant. Later, when the person's immune system might be less strong than it was in their youth, the virus might be activated and shingles occurs. The one good thing about shingles is that it's not contagious.

The first signs that shingles is developing are shooting pains or tingling. Itching might accompany these sensations as well. They usually happen on one side of the body and the intensity of the pain can vary. Many people, however, find the pain of shingles excruciating. Even after the blisters subside, the pain can linger for years. This is called post-herpetic neuralgia.

Blisters then appear along the line of the nerves and can last from one day to two weeks. Sufferers who get the blisters in the face must take special care, for the disease can damage their hearing or their vision. People whose eyes are affected by shingles can develop a sensitivity to light or have blurred vision. They can also feel that they have something in the eye. In worst cases, shingles can lead to scarring of the eye, glaucoma or even blindness.

As of now, shingles has no cure. People can receive vaccinations that may help prevent shingles from forming. The vaccine seems to be about 51 percent effective in reducing the incidence of shingles. Medications are also available to treat the pain of the disease. To treat intense pain, the patient might be given nerve blocks or corticosteroids, though corticosteroids carry the risk of the rash spreading.

The vaccination is only taken once and there's no upper age limit. Doctors recommend that people be vaccinated when they're 60 years old or older, as the older a person is the more adversely the disease affects him or her.

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16y ago

There can be a rash. It can cover almost any part of your body but are more predominant around the waste ribs. There can be only painful joints and a tendency towards fatigue.

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11y ago

An episode of shingles usually lasts two to four weeks. The first sign of the condition is a tingling sensation in the affected area, followed by pain and then a rash.

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Internal shingles are sometimes compared to the chicken pox as they have some similarities. Some of the symptoms are swelling in the neck and abdominal pain.

What are the symptoms of internal shingles?

Internal shingles are sometimes compared to the chicken pox as they have some similarities. Some of the symptoms are swelling in the neck and abdominal pain.

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The first three symptoms of shingles are extreme sensitivity or pain in the broad band, sensitivity to light and flu. These symptoms can occur in the initial stage.

What are the common symptoms of shingles?

Shingles is an advanced form of chicken pox. The most common and easy to spot symptoms include burning or itching as well as bright red spots on the skin.

What are the symptoms of the illness shingles?

Shingle is a painful skin rash. The symptoms of shingles includes pain, burning, a numbness or tingling, itching, a red rash that begins a few days after the pain.

Will vaccination guarantee that I won't get shingles?

Shingles is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. Symptoms include a . Prevention and Shingles Vaccine.

What are the symptoms and treatments of shingles?

The symptoms of shingles are very closely linked to those of chicken pox. Red itchy burning sensations. The inability to normal daily tasks such as walking and getting dressed. There is no treatment for shingles although there is a new vaccine for people over 65.

What are some symptoms of shingles?

some symptoms of shingles are that you have abdominal pain, chills, headaches, vision problems, joint problems. other symptoms will be obvious like the developing of circle-clump like , shaped blisters filled with puss on your body. ew . . . .

What are some symptoms of shingles beside rash?

There are many symptoms of shingles that one can observe before one even gets the rash that is most commonly associated with it. These symptoms are a headache, fever, chills. Some others can even include hearing loss and joint pain.

Where can one find realistic pictures of Shingles?

Realistic pictures of shingles can be found in medical textbooks and journals. Pictures of the rash can also be found on the NHS website, along with other symptoms that can occur when suffering with shingles.