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A systemic infection is one that affects the whole body, probably travelling in lymph or blood. This is in contrast to a local infection which only affects the area where the infection entered.

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12y ago

Many viruses cause systemic infections. A systemic infection is one which may involves multiple systems (organs) in the body. For example the virus may enter the body through the respiratory tract and initially cause some minor upper respiratory symptoms but then it may enter the bloodstream and travel to other parts of the body such as the parotid glands or the liver or spleen and may present as a rash or cause liver or spleen enlargement or indeed it may enter into the central nervous system and give rise to meningitis or encephalitis. So this is what is meant by a systemic viral infection. Examples of some viruses that cause major systemic viral infections are Mumps, Measles, Rubella and Varicella Zoster (chickenpox/shingles).

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12y ago

Many viruses cause systemic infections. A systemic infection is one which may involves multiple systems (organs) in the body. For example the virus may enter the body through the respiratory tract and initially cause some minor upper respiratory symptoms but then it may enter the bloodstream and travel to other parts of the body such as the parotid glands or the liver or spleen and may present as a rash or cause liver or spleen enlargement or indeed it may enter into the central nervous system and give rise to meningitis or encephalitis. So this is what is meant by a systemic viral infection. Examples of some viruses that cause major systemic viral infections are Mumps, Measles, Rubella and Varicella Zoster (chickenpox/shingles).

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12y ago

Fever, chills, myalgias, fatigue, and rash are common symptoms in systemic viral infection.

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Is a viral disease?

Any disease caused by viral infection.

What are most common symptoms of viral infection?

A viral infection can include many symptoms feeling generally unwell, lethargy sometimes a high temperature, you can also have sniffles, and a congested nose.

Is systemic viral infection dangerous?

I would think that a viral infection that's systemic is prolly nothing to mess around with. A systemic infection means that it effects the entire body and having anything viral can cause many issues: a viral infection can't be cured by meds cause it has to run its course and an antibiotic only helps with with bacterial infections or also in other cases yeast. Sometimes a viral infection can turn into something more serious so I suggest always number one... Follow doctors orders, eat lots of fresh garlic and vitamin C to keep up immune system, lots of rest and plenty of fluids. Depending on what viral infection I would suspect that each has it's own severities. Good luck;)

During which portion of the infection cycle shown in the diagram does the host begin to show symptoms of viral infection?

Symptoms of viral infection typically begin during the replication and spread phase of the infection cycle, when the virus has replicated enough to start causing damage to the host cells and triggering immune responses that lead to symptoms.

Hello, the symptomsb?

Hello, the symptomsbyoi have described drenching you may have a viral or bacterial systemic infection , and I think you need to have this examined right away.

Does vaccine treat the symptoms of an infection?

There are a number of viral infections for which vaccines are available. Most viral infections, though, have no vaccine available.

What help relieve the symptoms of a viral infection?

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen are often recommended.

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Where can one find symptoms to a virus which include fatigue?

Post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) is a condition or conditions characterized by fatigue following a viral infection. The term is not widely used, but the state of prolonged or severe fatigue after illness is not uncommon. Some people experience fatigue and related symptoms for months or years following a severe viral infection.[1]

What type of viral infection do you suspect symptoms of fever mild hypotension flushing conjunctival injection and now a bad rash has appeared that is bleeding in spots?

Viral Hemmorhagic Fever

What would occur if a viral infection involves the vestibular nuclei?

If a viral infection involves the vestibular nuclei, it can lead to symptoms of vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis, such as vertigo, imbalance, and nausea. The infection can disrupt the normal functioning of the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance and spatial orientation. Treatment may involve medications to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms.

Okay, this may be a ?

Okay, this may be a sign of an infection like meningitis or a systemic infection, which may be viral or bacterial in origin. I recommend that you have this examined right away, ether in an urgent care center or an ER. It may require antibiotics