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The signs of a heart attack and stroke are numbness and sudden tingling in your arms--usually the left. you may also feel heart palpations, weakness, dizziness, or sweating. There's a helpful thing to remember for strokes: FAST. F - face (numbness or paralysis) A - arms (numbness or tingling) C - chest (pain, pressure, or heaviness usually feels like an elephant is on your chest) and T - time (it's super important to get to a doctor as soon as any of these symptoms appear because it's better safe than sorry).

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Q: What are the signs of a heart attack and stroke?
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Yes sweating and nausea and dizziness can be a sign of a stroke or heart problem in people . Here are some sites that can help you out with this

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you could die from them.

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· Angina· Coronary heart disease· Heart arrhythmias -- an irregular heart rhythm· Transient ischemic attack(TIA, or "mini" stroke)· Heart attack· Stroke· Peripheral artery disease· High blood pressure.

What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack in men?

The symptoms of a heart attack are the same for men and women. They are; chest pain, sweating, and pain radiating down the left arm.The website for the American Heart Association is a great place to find a list of heart attack symptoms in men. Some symptoms are discomfort in the chest and shortness of breath. This website also has symptoms of stroke.

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It will cut your risk of a heart attack into half.

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# heart attack # stroke

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Different ailments of the circulatory system?

Heart attack and stroke are the most serious forms of cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure and buildup of plaque in the arteries are warning signs of these.