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Autism - A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, by an extremely limited range of activities and interests, and often by the presence of repetitive, stereotyped behaviors.

Down syndrome - A congenital disorder, caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome, in which the affected person has mild to moderate mental retardation, short stature, and a flattened facial profile.

There is a physical difference between Autism and Down Syndrome as well.

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12y ago


I have a brother who has Downs Syndrome. He has learning difficulties and his speech isn't too good but his family can understand him... only some of his words are understandable by everybody, and Downs Syndrome people aren't too good at learning from their mistakes, so you have to keep reminding them.


There is a big difference! Reply A is right about Down syndrome, but I'll add that people with Down syndrome also physically look different as people with autism usually look normal. But I'm just going to tell you a bit about autism.

Autism (including Aspergers) is a condition were you find it hard to socialise & relate to other people. There's not only a difference but autism & DS have very little to nothing in common with the 2! People with autism (certainly Aspergers) often don't have Learning Difficulties or even if they do, they tend not to be global like the ones with DS, unless of course the individual with Autism is extremely severe. Often people on the autism spectrum (which includes varying degrees of Aspergers) will be very fixed and focussed on a particular topic. They will be able to tell you a variety of statistics and the most obscure information about World War II, or the 'Mayflower', or LEGO. Whatever they find is their fixation becomes an obsession. These people are often very creative ad intelligent, but they have certain triggers that prevent them from functioning in what many people regard as a "normal" manner. For example, they often cannot stand a variety of colours or patterns in a random arrangement; they cannot handle the texture of certain foods; they are easily distressed by loud noise. Each individual is very different.

To find out more about autism, Look up "The National Autistic Society" to find out more.

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12y ago

There's a big difference (I am autistic.) First off: People with Down Syndrome have a physical handicap, and suffer from a genetic disorder that gives them great problems in everyday life, both mental and physical (Although a few can live a life of their own.)

Autism is something completely different. There are different types (Mild, moderate to Severe), whereas the mild form oftenis called "Aspergers Syndrome" (Wich is what some of the greatest men in time suffered from: Albert Einstein, CS Lewis, Bill Gates, Beethoven to name a few), that displays as a normal to higher intelligence than the rest of the population, special interests (E.g Art, music, Computers) and impaired social skills (Often seems arrogant or Cold)

The moderate form of Autism is commonly called "Atypical Autism", wich includes a normal to high IQ, but with some impaired skills (Oftenly impaired social skills and learning disabillities)

The Severe form of Autism includes mental retardation (?) but with some supertalents (Like Rain Man).

Hope that helped you :)

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8y ago

Autism is more common than down syndrome - currently rates of autism are 1 in 68.

There is nothing at all 'scary' or negative about autism rates - autism is not inherently bad, to suggest that it is 'scary' to have so many autistic people is offensive and prejudice. Down Syndrome is not only less common but given pre-natal screening many abortions likely prevent Down Syndrome births.

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14y ago

Autism, it affects 1 in 150, which makes it very common, very scary

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8y ago

There is no direct link, but both are associated with older parents.

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Asperger is different from autism because people with Aspergers are less restricted with behavioral interactions than those with autism. Asperger's is a form of autism, but it is high-functioning and Aspergers is not as severe as actual autism is (Take it from me: I have aspergers and my younger brother has autism)

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Autism (including Asperger syndrome) appears to be more common among boys than girls. This could be because of genetic differences between the sexes, or that the criteria used to diagnose autism are based on the characteristics of male behavior.

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A:No. Don't believe in "charities" or "experts" who claim to be able to "cure" Asperger's.No disease = No cureA:No, Asperger's Syndrome is not a disease. It is a neurological condition, meaning there are some differences in the brain. A person is born with genes for autism and Asperger's Syndrome, but these genes are not always triggered.

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There is no such thing. Down syndrome and autism are separate conditions.

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What is Asperger's syndrome sometimes called?

Aspergers Syndrome can be called: Aspergers, High-Functioning Autism, or you could just call it Autism, because it's a type of Autism.

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People with Asperger Syndrome sometimes refer to themselves as Aspies.Asperger Syndrome is not interchangeable with 'high-functioning autism', it should also be noted that functioning labels are considered to be offensive towards Autistic people - it's determining value based on how well an Autistic person can pretend to be neurotypical, so inherently ableist. Asperger Syndrome is a form of Autism, another name is thus simply: Autism.

Is Asperger's syndrome more adverse than autism?

no.A:Some people describe Asperger's Syndrome as a mild form of autism. This is inaccurate. Asperger's Syndrome and autism can be equally severe or equally mild. There is a range from mild to severe of each.It is labeled as autism if the child has mental retardation, whereas Asperger's Syndrome is associated with average or above average intelligence. But, when people recognize that a person is retarded, they have different expectations, so certain situations can be more difficult for a person with Asperger's Syndrome because other people expect more, not understanding their difficulties.The diagnostic criteria of both are very similar. It might be labeled as autism if the child has difficulties that are recognized at a young age, but in later years, it could be rediagnosed as Asperger's Syndrome.Asperger's Syndrome is sometimes called high-functioning autism, which means they are apparently better able to function in society. However, some people who have Asperger's Syndrome cannot function in society. Similarly, some people with autism can function in society. Because people with Asperger's Syndrome tend to have higher intelligence, they can find ways to compensate for some of their difficulties, but that can result in more stress than a person with autism (or Asperger's Syndrome) who avoids the situations causing those difficulties entirely.Some people who have worked with children with autism and Asperger's Syndrome have speculated that they are differences. One possible difference is that children with autism have better motor control, and thus are better at sports and physical activities, whereas children with Asperger's Syndrome have poor motor control (clumsiness). Another possible difference is that children with autism do not care whether they have friends, but children with Asperger's Syndrome want friends but are unable to develop friendships, so they feel more depressed about that.In summary, there are differences, but they are probably equally adverse. You could find some people with autism who have cases that are more adverse than some people with Asperger's Syndrome, but you could also find some people with Asperger's Syndrome who have cases that are more adverse than some people with autism.

How is asperger's syndrome different from autism diagnosis?

There really is no difference between Autism and Asperger Syndrome, thus why the two diagnosis have now been merged - many doctors simply diagnosed Asperger Syndrome to avoid stigma of Autism. The only real difference was that Autistic children showed developmental delays, however that in itself does not mean that Asperger Syndrome was a seperate disorder just that different children develop at different rates.

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Her youngest son has Down's Syndrome, but she has a nephew with autism.