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Uranium-235 has 143 neutrons and uranium-238 has 146 neutrons.

And of course the atomic masses are different.

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Q: What are the similarities and differences between the isotopes uranium 235 and uranium 238?
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What are the similarities and differences between the isotopes uranium-235 and uranium-238?

Uranium-235 and uranium-238 are the isotopes of the same element - uranium, a natural radioactive chemical element; the atomic number is the same - 92. Also the electronic structure, the number of protons, etc. Differences: atomic mass, number of neutrons, U-235 is fissile with thermal neutrons but U-238 is only fertile, halflife, type of disintegration types and energy of emitted radiations, etc.

Why can't you separate uranium isotopes through chemical means?

The mass differences between uranium isotopes is extremely low. But the separation is so still possible at laboratory scale but not practical: ion exchange separation, distillation.

What do isotopes of uranium differ in?

Differences between uranium isotopes: atomic mass, half life, type of decay, energy and types of emitted radiations, specific activity, number of neutrons, artificial or natural isotope, mode of preparation, etc.

Uranium -235 and uranium -238 are different of uranium?

Isotopes Uranium 235 and uranium 238 are only natural isotopes of the element uranium.

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Differences between uranium isotopes: natural isotopes (U-234, U-235, U-238) and the artificial isotopes; differences in atomic mass; differences in the number of neutrons; differences of the half life; differences in the emitted radiations (type, energy, percentage); differences in the decay chain; differences in the technological importance; etc.

How many isotopes uranium has?

Uranium has 3 natural isotopes (234, 235, 238) and 26 artificial isotopes.All the isotopes of uranium are radioactive.

Why the density of enriched uranium remains constant?

Absolutely correctly speaking the density of different isotopes are not identical; but the differences are very small, especially for heavy isotopes.

What isotope uranium is radioactive?

Yes.......most likely. I can't think of anything to do with Uranium, that isn't radioactive! -------- Uranium natural isotopes are not so radioactive compared with other isotopes; but all the isotopes of uranium are radioactive.

Is the isotope of uranium you found in a stable r radioactive?

All the isotopes of uranium are unstable.Natural isotopes of uranium are: 234, 235 and 238.

What are uranium atoms?

Uranium has three natural isotopes and many artificial isotopes. Uranium 238 has 92 protons and electrons and also 146 neutrons.

Does uranium not have a stable isotope?

Uranium hasn't stable isotopes.

Is uranium naturally occurring or is it syntherically made?

Uranium has three natural isotopes: 234, 235 and 238; also uranium has ca. 25 artificial isotopes.