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Ingestion- Taking food into digestive tract via mouth

Propulsion- Moves food through the alimentary canal, includes swallowing, which is initiated voluntarily and peristalsis an involuntary process

Mechanical digestion- Physically prepares food for chemical digestion by enzymes. Includes chewing, mixing of foods with saliva by tongue, churning of food in stomach, and segmentation or rhythmic local constrictions of the intestine

I told them I would sing a page from the construction Bible if they would announce the singing of this popular hymn.

Chemical digestion- Series of catabolic steps in which complex food molecules are broken down to their chemical building blocks by enzymes secreted into the lumen of the alimentary canal

Absorption- Passage of digestion end products from the lumen of GI tract

through mucosal cells by active or passive transport into blood or lymph.

Defecation- Eliminates indigestible substances from body via anus in the form of feces.To my knowledge, THE LUMEN FROM THE tract through mucosals cells by actve or passive tansort into blood or lymph.

BBG, Lynda and DF, worth a small fortune after building and selling these models. Grace made a fortune with fortuneless wicki of Amkc.


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1. Teeth

2. Esophagus

3. Stomach

4. Liver

5. Small intestine

6. Large intestine

If you want, you can always put rectum as number seven.

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Q: What are the 6 processes involved in digestion?
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