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Tornadoes occur during strong thunderstorms and so the sky is overcast with clouds that can become very dark. In somce cases it may be as dark as night. You may see the clouds rotating around the tornado. However, in somce sases this may be onscured by heavy rain. Near the tornado you will experience strong winds blowing toward the it. Farther away, beyond the tornado's direct influence, conditions can vary. It may be very calm, or there could be very strong thunderstorm winds.

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Q: What are the sky and wind conditions during a tornado?
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What weather occers dering a tornado?

During a tornado, or before the wind picks up and the sky may get very dark. Sometimes the sky can even turn green. Tornadoes mainly happen in severe thunderstorms, so sometimes there can be hail too.

Does it mean there will be a tornado if the sky is yellowish?

No sky color necessarily means that a tornado will form. A yellow sky during or before a tornado is due to the fact that most tornadoes form in the late afternoon or early evening and often take place around sunset.

What color does the sky change when there is a tornado warning?

There is no particular sky color that indicates a tornado is coming. It is often reported that the clouds look green before and during tornado. But this does not necessarily indicate a tornado, nor is it necessary for a tornado to form. The clouds in a tornadic storm may also appear gray or black.

What phenomenon happens after a tornado?

Known to storm watchers as 'The cone of silence', where a Tornado retreats into the sky, however, this is not strictly after a tornado, more during, as it usually strikes down soon after.

What is the lyrics of the song called tornado by Thunderflare Band?

These are the official and verified lyrics of the song tornado by Thunderflare! Tornado tornado tornado tornado eye of a storm happening on an afternoon a bright clear day turning cloudy and gray a strong thunderstorm became a wind force to fear tornado coming this way swirling on a north eastern road tornado it is lighting the sky the air is warm and cold fast wind speeds cloudy dust and swirling debris stormy skies ahead tornado tornado coming this way swirling on a north eastern road tornado tall tornado stretching right up into the sky spinning and drifting on the earth tornado coming this way swirling on a north eastern road tornado.

Is a tornado precipitation?

No. Precipitation is water that falls from the sky in some form, such as rain, snow, or hail. A tornado is basically a violent wind storm. While tornadoes are usually accompanied by rain and often by hail, this precipitation is not directly related to the tornado itself.

What to expect when a tornado hits?

you will see a pinkish sky and feel warm and cold air at the same time and the wind will start to pick up and get firse.

What color of sky warns of tornado activity?

No particular sky color necessarily indicates tornado activity. It is commonly state that a greenish sky indicates a tornado, but it doesn't need to be gray for a tornado to occur, nor does a green sky necessarily mean there is a tornado, just a severe thunderstorm. In a tornadic storm the clouds may appear green, gray, yellow, or black.

What color does the sky turn to when a tornado?

The sky can be any number of colors. Of of the time it's gray, but due to various lighting effect, the sky during tornadoes can also be black and even yellow or green.

What does a black sky mean?


Is it cold inside a tornado or warm?

The air inside a tornado is cooler than its surroundings. This is not due to the wind or the fact that it comes from the sky, but from the fact that the pressure in a tornado is low. As air enters a tornado it is decompressed rapidly, and cools as a consequence. This is predicted by gas laws. In many cases the temperature inside a tornado is less than the dew point, which is why the funnel forms.

Do Tornadoes glow green?

No. Tornadoes do no glow at all. The sky before or during a tornado may appear greenish, though.