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Call 911 first! Then the rest is based on the situation and your knowledge with administering first aid. Above all if you don't know what to do, keep body warm to keep from going into shock. Rephrase your question as to what first aid situation you are referring to.

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Q: What are the steps before rendering first aid?
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What is meant by first aid?

the first help that an injured person needs before the doctor arrives is called first aid.

What is the purpose of the first aid guide i which is included in the first aid kit?

Well, the purpose of the First aid kit guide probably just so you can have a quick look through it if you have trained or is training to be a first aider and could help you along the way! In a lot of places such as schools, construction sites, general industries, etc. first aid treatments training are already being given to employees in case of emergencies but in those industries, first aid kits are already required. "

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Are police officers required to provide emergency first aid?

In most jurisdictions, no. The decision of whether or not to provide first aid, as well as act on most other situations, is discretionary on the part of the officer. However, most police agencies place the preservation of life and rendering of aid very high in priority. An officer who had the opportunity to render first aid in the absence of someone more qualified, but did not do so, would probably be disciplined.

What are the legal considerations in giving first aid?

The First Aider / First responder is covered by the 'Good Samaritans Law'.This law states: A first responder must not attempt to do anything they are not qualified to do. It is perfectly acceptable for a first aider to do all they can to support and to sustain life and to prevent further injury.A first aider is not protected legally if they act irresponsibly, inappropriately or negligently - i.e. they fail to do what any reasonable person would do with similar training / qualifications under similar circumstances.Consent must be obtained from the victim if conscious before first aid can be administered. If the victim is a child, mentally handicapped or unconscious and is unable to give consent, then a parent, guardian or responsible family member must consent before first aid can be administered. If none con be obtained then first aid can be administered under 'implied consent'.

What is firist aid?

first aid can be defined as the treatment given to somebody before being taken to the hospital.

Defined first aid?

First Aid: The help or treatment that is given to a injured or sick person before being cared for by medical professionals (eg. paramedics, doctors, etc), or before being removed to hospital.

Should I get Standard first aid course before taking a Advanced Medical First Responder course with CPR Level HCP?

In most cases, you must take Standard First Aid with CPR Level C before you can take an Advance First Aid or Advance Medical First Responder course. I personally have taken Standard First Aid with CPR Level HCP because I intend to take Advance First Aid later.

What is the first aid for the amnesia?

its first aid is to let her remember the thing you've shared with her ,in that way she could remember her life before step by step..

In a rebus puzzle what is aid aid aid?

if the arrow point to the top aid: Aid (arrow pointing toward it) Aid Aid Answer: First Aid

What is meant by First Aid services?

The definition of first aid care is emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available. Lives are saved each year because people have learned what to do in emergency situations. For additional information on First Aid please visit

Do you attend a formal first aid course before you can give first aid to a stranger?

You should have some first aid training before helping someone, but then again, you can still help someone of you don't have training. You just have to be careful not to try to do anything drastic. Give them some very simple help until someone who can do more for them comes along. Get yourself some first aid training if you can.