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From the top down:


Lonosphere *


Mesopause *


Stratopause *


Tropopause *


(the ones with stars next to them are sub-layers)

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3mo ago

The four main sub-layers of the atmosphere from lowest to highest are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Each layer has distinct characteristics and plays a role in regulating Earth's climate and weather patterns.

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Q: What are the sub-layers of the the atmosphere?
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How many minor layers are there in the atmosphere?

There are five main layers in Earth's atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. Each of these layers has sublayers or minor divisions based on different criteria, such as temperature or composition.

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Northern lights or auroras can be seen in the thermosphere and exosphere sublayers of the Earth's atmosphere. These beautiful light displays are caused by the interaction of solar wind particles with the Earth's magnetic field, resulting in stunning colors dancing across the sky near the polar regions.

How many sublayers are in the Earth?

The Earth is divided into three main sublayers: the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is the outermost layer, followed by the mantle and then the core, which is further divided into the outer core and inner core. These sublayers have distinct properties and compositions that help regulate Earth's geologic processes.

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Based on the physical characteristics of those layers.

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What are the IEEE sublayers?

Logical Link Control (LLC) Media Access Control (MAC)

IEEE has divided the Transport layer into two sublayers?

No. It is the Data Link layer that IEEE has divided into two sublayers. The Data Link layers are Logical Link Control and Media Access Control.

Where do the MAC sublayers fit into the OSI model?

MAC sublayer is located at Data link layer.

What are all of the sublayers of the Earth called?

The Earth's layers are the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust.

What layer is supdivided into two sub layers in the OSI model?

Layer 2 is divided into the LLC and MAC sublayers.

What are the sublayers of the Data Link layer are as defined in the IEEE 802 standards?

Logical link control sublayer and media access control sublayer