

What are the symbols of elements?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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Laila Emard

Lvl 10
4y ago

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There are currently 118 different elements in the periodic table. Here is a list of the symbols: Ac Actinium, Ag Silver, Al Aluminum, Am Americium, Ar Argon, As Arsenic, At Astatine, Au Gold, B Boron, Ba Barium, Be Bryllium, Bh Bohrium, Bi Bismut, Bk Berkelium, Br Bromine, C Carbon, Ca Calcium, Cd Cadmium, Ce Cerium, Cf Californium, Cl Chlorine, Cm Curium, Cn Copernicium, Co Cobalt, Cr Chromium, Cs Cesium, Cu Copper, Db Dubnium, Ds Darmstadtium, Dy Dysprosium, Er Erbium, Es Einsteinium, Eu Europium, F Fluorine, Fe Iron, Fl Flerovium, Fm Fermium, Fr Francium, Ga Gallium, Gd Gadolinium, Ge Germanium, H Hydrogen, Helium, Hf Hafnium, Hg Mercury, Ho Holmium, Hs Hassium, I Iodine, In Indium, Ir Iridium, K Potassium, Kr Krypton, La Lanthanum, Li Lithium, Lr Lawrencium, Lu Lutetium, Lv Livermorium, Md Mendelevium, Mg Magnesium, Mn Manganese, Mo Molybdenum, Mt Meitnerium, N Nitrogen, Na Sodium, Nb Niobium, Nd Neodymium, Ne Neon, Ni Nickel, No Nobelium, Np Neptunium, O Oxygen, Os Osmium, P Phosphorus, Pa Protactinium, Pb Lead, Pd Palladium, Pm Promethium, Po Polonium, Pr Praseodymium, Pt Platinum, Pu Plutonium, Ra Radium, Rb Rubidium, Re Rhenium, Rf Rutherfordium, Rg Roentgenium, Rh Rhodium, Rn Radon, Ru Ruthenium, S Sulfur, Sb Antimony, Sc Scandium, Se Selenium, Sg Seaborgium, Si Silicon, Sm Samarium, Sn Tin, Sr Strontium, Ta Tantalum, Tb Terbium, Tc Technetium, Te Tellurium, Th Thorium, Ti Titanium, Tl Thallium, Tm Thulium, U Uranium, Uuuo Ununoctium, Uup Ununptneium, Uus Ununseptium, Uut Ununtrium, V Vanadium, W Tungsten, Xe Xenon, Y Yttrium, Yb Ytterbium, Zn Zinc, Zr Zirconium.

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Jamison King

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2y ago
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9y ago

There are currently 118 different elements in the periodic table. Here is a list of the symbols: Ac Actinium, Ag Silver, Al Aluminum, Am Americium, Ar Argon, As Arsenic, At Astatine, Au Gold, B Boron, Ba Barium, Be Bryllium, Bh Bohrium, Bi Bismut, Bk Berkelium, Br Bromine, C Carbon, Ca Calcium, Cd Cadmium, Ce Cerium, Cf Californium, Cl Chlorine, Cm Curium, Cn Copernicium, Co Cobalt, Cr Chromium, Cs Cesium, Cu Copper, Db Dubnium, Ds Darmstadtium, Dy Dysprosium, Er Erbium, Es Einsteinium, Eu Europium, F Fluorine, Fe Iron, Fl Flerovium, Fm Fermium, Fr Francium, Ga Gallium, Gd Gadolinium, Ge Germanium, H Hydrogen, Helium, Hf Hafnium, Hg Mercury, Ho Holmium, Hs Hassium, I Iodine, In Indium, Ir Iridium, K Potassium, Kr Krypton, La Lanthanum, Li Lithium, Lr Lawrencium, Lu Lutetium, Lv Livermorium, Md Mendelevium, Mg Magnesium, Mn Manganese, Mo Molybdenum, Mt Meitnerium, N Nitrogen, Na Sodium, Nb Niobium, Nd Neodymium, Ne Neon, Ni Nickel, No Nobelium, Np Neptunium, O Oxygen, Os Osmium, P Phosphorus, Pa Protactinium, Pb Lead, Pd Palladium, Pm Promethium, Po Polonium, Pr Praseodymium, Pt Platinum, Pu Plutonium, Ra Radium, Rb Rubidium, Re Rhenium, Rf Rutherfordium, Rg Roentgenium, Rh Rhodium, Rn Radon, Ru Ruthenium, S Sulfur, Sb Antimony, Sc Scandium, Se Selenium, Sg Seaborgium, Si Silicon, Sm Samarium, Sn Tin, Sr Strontium, Ta Tantalum, Tb Terbium, Tc Technetium, Te Tellurium, Th Thorium, Ti Titanium, Tl Thallium, Tm Thulium, U Uranium, Uuuo Ununoctium, Uup Ununptneium, Uus Ununseptium, Uut Ununtrium, V Vanadium, W Tungsten, Xe Xenon, Y Yttrium, Yb Ytterbium, Zn Zinc, Zr Zirconium.

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