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Biceps and brachioradialis. The bicep is the prime mover in elbow joint movement and the brachioradialis acts as a synergistic muscle to stabilize the joint, thus aiding in the motion.

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12y ago

A deltoid during a bicep curl would be an example of a synergist it controls the arm during the curl to ensure the arm doesn't swing uncontrollably during the exercise

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Biceps brachii

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Q: What are the synergistic muscles of the thigh?
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What are the three synergistic muscles to the rectus femoris?

Three muscles that act synergistically with the rectus femoris are the vastus lateralis, the vastus intermedius, and the vastus medialis. Together the four muscles compose the quadricep muscles of the thigh.

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What muscles form the flesh on sides of thigh?

The muscles that form the flesh on the sides of the thigh are primarily the tensor fasciae latae and the iliotibial band on the outer side, and the adductor muscles on the inner side of the thigh. These muscles contribute to the overall shape and function of the thigh.

Name three thigh muscles that helps you keep your seat astride a horse?

The three thigh muscles that help you you keep astride when riding a horse are the thigh adductor muscles; magnus, longus, and brevis.

What muscle covers the front and side of the thigh?

The quadriceps muscle covers the front of the thigh, while the adductor muscles cover the inner thigh and the abductor muscles cover the outer thigh.

What is the deep fascia of the thigh muscles that enclose it like a stocking?

Fascia lataen close the thigh muscles like a stocking.

When the muscles in your thigh bulge are they relaxed?


Is a thigh involuntary?

Yes, the thigh contains muscles that can contract involuntarily, such as in reflex reactions. However, voluntary control over the thigh muscles is also possible through conscious effort.

Are the trapezium and sternocleidomastoid synergistic or antagonistic?

The trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles are synergistic muscles, meaning they work together to perform certain movements. They both contribute to movements involving the head, neck, and shoulder region, such as turning the head or elevating the shoulders.

What muscles are used in cricket?

your thigh muscles, biceps, triceps, quads

What are the main muscles you should use when manual handling?

thigh muscles

Name a skeletal muscle in the leg?

The thigh has three sets of strong muscles: the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles in the front, and the adductor muscles on the sides.