

What are the things that is insulators?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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Work it out youslef you lazy people

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Q: What are the things that is insulators?
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Such things are called electrical insulators.

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Can thermal insulators keep warm things warm?

Yes, that is their purpose.

What is an example of conductors and insulators?

conductors are thing that electricity travels through, metal insulators are things electricity does not travel through, dry wood, paper, plastic.

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What word means substances that keep warm things warm and cold things cold?

Things which keep warm things warm and cold things cold are referred to as insulators.

What are some houshold objects that are conductors or insulators?

If you can think of any objects that are made of glass, rubber, or plastic they are all insulators. (think of food containers things you drink out of -most of them are conductors) Most things made of metal are conductors. (metal things you eat with, metal furniture objects, anything copper)

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What things are thermal insulators?

some examples are coffe cups, coffe mugs styrofoam cups and coolers.

What are things that conduct heat poorly?

Three of these insulators, aka nonmetals, are wood, rubber, plastic, etc

Are humans conductors or insulators?

humans are not insulators, but are conductors!