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Biology chemistory physics what is science?

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Q: What are the three divisions of science and its branches?
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Divisions of science and its branches?

Science is divided into three categories: physics, chemistry & biology. the three branches of biology are zoology, botany & anthropology.

What are the divisions of branch of science?

science is separated in branches- biology,phisycs...

Divisions and branches of science?

biology chemistry and physics

What is the most branches of science?

There are three branches in science. It is the natural, social and applied science.

What are the three major divisions in science?

Biology, the study of animal and plant life. Chemistry, the study of chemicals and medicine. Physics, the study of the laws of physics, magnetics, electricity, and other things affecting the Earth. There are other uncommon branches of Science, but they all fall under these three categories. The actual answer is that the three main divisions of science are Physical Science's, Biological or Life Science's and Social Science's.

What are the ten branches of science with their definitions?

There are not ten branches of science, there are only three. Natural science, social science, and formal science are the only branches. Everything else is a division of one of these three branches.

What are the three broad divisions of science?

natural science,applied science and pure science

What are the five major divisions of physical science?

Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Oceanography are the 5 branches of physical science.

Enumerate the three major branches and?

enumerate the three major branches of subranches of science

Name the 3 three maindivision of science?

Three main divisions of science are chemistry, physics, and biology.

What are the three branches of earth science?

geologymeteorologyand environmental science

What are the three branches in science?

Geology meteorology environmental science