

Best Answer

Form high to low concentration

molecules balenced

water goes where their is more concentration

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Q: What are the three rules that apply to diffusion?
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What are three rules that apply to diffusion?


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Three ways that culture can be spread, including, Relocation diffusion, Expansion diffusion and stimulus diffusion.

Three types of passive transport?

There are three forms of passive transport, or the movement of biochemical and other atomic or molecular substances across the cell membranes. They are: osmosis, simple diffusion or facilitated diffusion, and filtration.

What are three parts of passive transport?

diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis

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What three factors influence regulation in the cell membrane?

Diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.

What are the types of diffusions?

In Biology there are three types of diffusion. There are simple, channel, and facilitated diffusion.

Three types of diffusion?

what id diffusion? what are the three types?Diffusion is the second important concept for understanding how culture change. type 1) expansion, type 2) relocation type 3) hierarchical

What rules that apply when communicating over computer?

Such rules are called "protocols".

Can you drink anytime on a cruise ship?

Yes. But it often depends on the ship's rules, and where the ship is. Generally if the ship is within three miles of the US and most other national coasts, then the rule of the nearby nation and region apply. Beyond three miles (12 miles in some cases) international water rules apply, which is where the ship's rules come in. It is very possible that ship's rules might be more restrictive even when near land; it is worth asking when making your plans.

What functions might the three types of diffusion serve in a multicellular organism?

The three types of diffusion in an independent cell are simple diffusion, facilitated, and active. The function of simple diffusion is to transfer oxygen. Facilitated diffusion transports water or non polar molecules. Active diffusion transports materials against the concentration gradient.