

What are the treatments for fluorosis?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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hola los invito a que visiten la pagina ahi tienen la solucion a manchas por fluorosis

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Q: What are the treatments for fluorosis?
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What is a condition that results from the over consumption of fluoride?

Dental fluorosis is a condition that results from the overconsumption of fluoride during teeth development, leading to discoloration and pitting of the teeth.

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Paul J. Riordan has written: 'Dental fluorosis'

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C. S. Hobbs has written: 'Fluorosis in beef cattle' -- subject(s): Diseases, Cattle

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Charles Somerville Dillon has written: 'Fluorosis and dental caries' -- subject(s): Adverse effects, Dental caries, Fluoridation

Are there any toothpastes or teeth whitening substances that can cause Fluorosis?

Fluoride is good for dental health and it is incredibly unlikely that you would get fluorosis solely from a toothpaste or mouthwash. Fluoride is in most toothpastes and should be about one part per million for an adult. A flouride toothpaste really does make all the difference in stopping decay. If you have any worries, speak to your dentist and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to reassure you.

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the treatments of asthma are the inhalers and nebulizer

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