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Extreme high tide and Zero tide

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Q: What are the two boundaries of intertidal zones?
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What are the ocean zones of a marine ecosystem from the shallowest to the deepest?

There are two major ocean zones, Pelagic and Benthic zones. The Pelagic zone is the open ocean and the Benthic zone is the ocean bottom.

How many zones is the world divided?

4 the spray zone the upper intertidal zone the mid intertidal zone the lower intertidal zone

What are the intertidal and neritic and open-ocean zones?

Polar and temperature

Zonation occurs in the ocean zone called the?

Zonation occurs in the ocean zone called the intertidal. Zonation is the distribution of organisms in biogeographic zones. It is also the arrangement or formation in zones.

What are areas that alternate between complete submersion in seawater and complete exposure to air called?

These areas are called intertidal zones or the intertidal region. They are located along coastlines and experience regular changes in water level due to the tides, resulting in periods of submersion and exposure. Organisms in these zones must be able to tolerate both marine and terrestrial conditions.

Is intertidal zones the least stable of ocean zones?

act like theres gum in ur hair girl cut it out

Where does the startfish live?

Usually in tropical Pacific oceans. They live in intertidal zones.

What are the life zones of the ocean?

The zones are netric and somthing ill update soon stop leaving stupid answers about peoples moms -_-

Organisms living in intertidal zones have structural adatations that protect them from?

Wave action Your Welcome :)

What types of boundaries do subduction zones occur?

Convergent Boundaries!

Is intertidal zone fresh or salt water?

The intertidal zone is typically made up of salt water, as it is influenced by the tides of the ocean. However, in some cases, freshwater intertidal zones can exist where rivers or streams meet the ocean.

What are the three life zones of Marine Biomes?

The three life zones of Marine Biomes are the intertidal zone, neritic zone, and oceanic zone. The intertidal zone is the area that is periodically covered and uncovered by the tides. The neritic zone is the shallow region that extends from the low-tide mark to the edge of the continental shelf. The oceanic zone is the deep open ocean beyond the continental shelf.