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A gannet primarily uses gravity to dive into the water, accelerating downwards due to its weight. It also uses its wings to control the speed and direction of its dive, enabling it to plunge into the water with precision to catch fish.

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Q: What are the two forces that a gannet uses to dive?
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What are two methods used to transfer forces in a prothesis?

Two methods used to transfer forces in a prosthesis are socket suspension, where the socket holds the residual limb in place using suction or other methods, and a vacuum-assisted socket system which uses a vacuum to secure the prosthesis to the limb and distribute forces evenly.

Are the two forces balanced or unbalanced?

If the two forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, they are balanced. If the forces are unequal, they are unbalanced.

If there are two equal and opposite forces on something you say the forces are?

If there are two equal and opposite forces acting on an object, these forces are in equilibrium. This means that the forces are balanced and there will be no change in the object's motion.

What are the two categories of forces?

The two categories of forces are contact forces, which occur when two objects are physically touching, and non-contact forces, which act between objects that are not in direct physical contact.

How is the resultant of two forces affected by the angle between the forces?

The resultant of two forces is affected by the angle between the forces through vector addition. When the forces are pointing in the same direction (angle is 0 degrees), the resultant will be the sum of the two forces. As the angle between the forces increases, the magnitude of the resultant decreases until at 90 degrees, the forces are perpendicular and the resultant is the square root of the sum of the squares of the two forces.

Related questions

What is a two tank dive?

A dive that requires two tanks of air to complete

What is a dive bar?

A really nasty place. The whole term is "two-bit, sleazy dive."

What is a opposing forces chart?

A chart that uses opposing forces to describe a situation with two or more factors. Commonly showing parallel arrows with arrowheads in opposite directions.-------LOVE--------->

Where do you get dive in sapphire?

In mossdeep city you have to go two houses at the left of the gym and you,ll find dive by steven.

What are two methods used to transfer forces in a prothesis?

Two methods used to transfer forces in a prosthesis are socket suspension, where the socket holds the residual limb in place using suction or other methods, and a vacuum-assisted socket system which uses a vacuum to secure the prosthesis to the limb and distribute forces evenly.

What is it called when two people dive at the same time?

when 2 people dive at the same time, it is called syncronized diving.

What to after do after getting dive for steven sapphire?

go to sotopolis and dive there. (there is two dive area. first to sotopolis island and second near go to second beat the bed guys and then in first.)

What is a two-tank dive?

diver's short name or code for your 'average' dive trip on a dive boat - 2 dives, each separated by an approximate 1 hour SIT (Surface Interval Time), usually on 2 different dive spots.

How do you get to Sootopolis from mossdeep city in Pokemon sapphire?

just surf, surf and to the sotopolis island is dive zone dive! (there is two dive zones. one to sotopolis, second to team aqua cavern.

How do you spell swandive correctly?

Swan dive is two words.

How many places can you use dive in white?

there is only two and you can find them in undella bay that's the only place you can use dive which i in the dark spots

Are the two forces balanced or unbalanced?

If the two forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, they are balanced. If the forces are unequal, they are unbalanced.