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Female gametes are also called eggs or ova. They are created during the cellular reproduction process known as meiosis. The resulting gamete cell is a haploid cell. When the two haploid cells, the egg and sperm, fuse together during fertilization, the result is a diploid cell called a zygote.

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Q: What are the two hormones produced by women?
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Are Sex hormones are produced only by the gonads.?

No, sex hormones are produced by the adrenal glands as well as the gonads. After menopause, for instance, the adrenals make most of women's sex hormones.

What are some gonadal adrenocortical hormones?

Cortisol and testosterone are two of the hormones produced there.

Hormones and where they are produced?

Hormones are produced in the endocrine system.

What are the two hormones produced by the structures within the ovary?

estrogen and progesterone

What are two hormones produced by the structures within the ovary?

estrogen and progesterone

What hormone is produced by the thyroid gland?

There are two important hormones. They are tyroxine and calcitonin.

Hormones in human reproduction?

There are two main hormones that are responsible for the reproduction. For Men it is Testosterone and for Women it is Estrogen.

Which female hormones are most often used in the pill?

The pill most often contains two hormones- an oestrogen and a proestogen. These hormones are used in the many different types of Pill that are available to women. The two hormones stop women from ovulating each month, preventing them from becoming pregnant.

What are two female hormone?

There are more than two hormones that are active in women, but the two classes of hormones you are probably referring to are Estrogens and Progesterones.

What are two main hormones produced during puberty?

In female the main hormones are oestrogen and progesteroneIn male it is mainly testesterone

FSH and LH are two hormones produced by the?

Pituitary Gland

Inhibiting hormones are produced by What gland?

hypothalamusInhibiting and releasing hormones are produced by the hypothalamus.