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Roman numerals and just plant numbers

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Q: What are the two kinds of numbers?
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What are the kinds of complex numbers?

Complex numbers include real numbers, pure imaginary numbers, and the combination of those two.

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In terms of mathematics, a coefficient plays the role of a multiplicative factor in a series or an expression. The two different kinds of coefficients include numbers and letters.

What are two different kinds of numbers that round to 7.1?

7.06 and 7.143

What are the to kinds of energys?

The "two" kinds of energy are real and vector energy. Mot accounting for the two kinds of energy is the cause of current confusion in physics. Newton and Einstein missed the two kinds of energy real and vector. The gravitational energy is E= -mu/r + mcV. The first kind of energy Newton got the real or potential energy -mu/r. The unaccounted for energy is the "vector" energy mcV. The vector energy is the source of "dark energy" and myriad mysteries in cosmology. The Universe has two kinds of numbers, real numbers and vector numbers. This gives two kinds of energy, and two kinds of forces ,etc,etc,etc. Quaternions are the answer to the "two kinds" of energy, "reals and vectors" or quaternions!

What are the first 3 kinds of numbers that you can eliminate when looking for prime numbers?

Negative numbers Even numbers greater than two Zero and one

What are the three kinds of numbers?

Real numbers, imaginary numbers and irrational numbers are three kinds of numbers. Others are rational numbers, algebraic numbers and primes numbers. There are many more.

What are kind numbers?

kinds of numbers are like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

What are special kinds of decimals?

There are irrational numbers (like PI and e) that have infinitely many decimals which do not repeat and rational numbers (the quotient of two integers) which do eventually repeat.

1234567890 are what kinds of numbers?

They are all single digit numbers.

Give the different kinds of real numbers?

Natural numbers or Counting numbers Integers Rational numbers Irrational numbers

What two numbers equal 420?

There's no answer to that question. In the entire kingdom of numbers of all shapes,sizes, and kinds, there's only one number equal to 420. The number is . . . . . 420.

Theme of two kinds?

there are two kinds in every person.