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The two major abiotic factors that determine what plants can grow in an area are temperature and precipitation! :-)

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Sunlight - Intensity (sun vs. shade), duration (how many hours a day)


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annual average temperature and precipitation

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temperature and precipitation

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Temperature and Precipitation.

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Precipitation and temperature

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Q: What are the two main abiotic factors that determine the type of terrestrial biome found in a region?
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The factors that help geologists determine for earthquake risk for religion are the movement of seismic waves along faults and friction.Hope this helped!

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1. temperature 2. avg. rainfall3. sorry, those are all i can think of

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What is a terrestrial region characterized by distinct assemblages of plants and animals?

The terrestrial region is a biome, and is marked by a large naturally occurring group of plants and animals in a major habitat. An example is the forest or the plains.

Which of the following are key factors for determining the biome of a specific region?

Key factors for determining the biome of a region include climate (temperature and precipitation), latitude, altitude, and soil type. These factors influence the types of vegetation that can grow in an area, which in turn determine the biome.

What factor help geologists determine earthquake risk for a region?

The factors that help geologists determine for earthquake risk for religion are the movement of seismic waves along faults and friction.Hope this helped!

What is Terrestrial Region?

A terrestrial region is a geographical area on land characterized by distinct physical and biological features, such as climate, soil types, vegetation, and wildlife. This classification helps scientists and ecologists study and understand the different ecosystems and habitats found on Earth.