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The classification with 1A, 7A etc. is not recommended by IUPAC and is obsolete.
The 1A elements are alkali metals, all solids; the 7A elements are the nonmetals (halogens). Halogens can be gaseous, liquids or solids at room temperature.

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Q: What are the two main differences in 1A and 7A elements?
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What are the elements in groups 1A to 8A called?

The elements in groups 1A to 8A are called the representative elements or main group elements. Each group corresponds to a specific column on the periodic table and has similar chemical properties due to their electron configurations.

Why are the elements in groups 1A-8A called the representative elements?

They follow a pattern for valence electrons.

What are elements in group 1a to 8a called?

Elements in groups 1A to 8A are called alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, metalloids, nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases.

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Why hydrogen placed with the elements in group 1A?

Hydrogen is placed with the elements in group 1A (1) because it has one electron in its outermost shell, similar to other group 1A elements like lithium, sodium, and potassium. However, hydrogen is unique as it is not a metal like the other elements in this group, exhibiting properties of both metals and nonmetals.

What are the Group 1A and Group 7A elements examples of?

Group 1A elements are alkali metals like sodium and potassium, which are highly reactive and metallic. Group 7A elements are halogens like chlorine and fluorine, which are highly reactive nonmetals.

What is the exception to the group 1A elements?

This is not a reliable source.. Go get an encyclopedia.

Why is hydrogen grouped with elements in group 1a?

valence electrons and electronic configuration.

What type of elements are in group 1A?

Alkalene metals like hydrogen are present

Which elements are all gases at room temperature group 1a?

All elements in Group 1A, also known as the alkali metals, are solid at room temperature, not gases. Examples include lithium, sodium, and potassium.

How are the elements in group 1A on the periodic table similar?

They all have one valence electron.

What elements are found in Group 1A sometimes referred to as Group 1?

Potassium and Hydrogen