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Aerobic and Anaerobic Aerobic and Anaerobic Aerobic and Anaerobic

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1mo ago

The types of cellular respiration are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and produces more ATP, while anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen and produces less ATP.

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12y ago

The two main types are Aerobic and Anaerobic. Aerobic respiration yields more energy and requires oxygen while Anaerobic yields very little energy while no oxygen is present.

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Q: What are the types of cellular respiration's?
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What is the total energy harvest of aerobic cellular respirations?

36 ATP


What is respirations wastes products

How are photosynthesis and the cellular respiration related?

photosynthesis equation is H2O+Co2->(ATP+) C6H2O6+O2 cellular reapiratation is O2+C6H2O(-> ATP)+Co2+H2O. so photoshynthesis eqaution backwards is celluar respirations equation. and they also have all the same stuff in them (water, carbon, energy, glucose, and oxygen.)

What liberates the most energy in the form of ATP?

Aerobic respiration liberates the most energy in the form of ATP compared to other cellular processes like anaerobic respiration and fermentation.

What process do most cell get energy?


Related questions

What is the result of cellular respirations?

The result of cellular respiration is the gain of energy in the form of ATP molecules.

What is the total energy harvest of aerobic cellular respirations?

36 ATP

What is kussmaluls cheyne-stokes?

Kussmaul and Cheyne-Stokes are types of respirations. Kussmaul respirations are hyperapnea, an Cheyne-Stokes respirations are hypercapnia.

Which stages of cellular respirations are aerobic?

in aerobic respiration there r 3 stages Glycolisis, ATP synthesis, terminal oxidation

What are types of cellular structures?

multi cellular


What is respirations wastes products

Which types of organism does cellular respiration take place in?

The organism responsible for cellular respiration is the mitochondria.

How are photosynthesis and the cellular respiration related?

photosynthesis equation is H2O+Co2->(ATP+) C6H2O6+O2 cellular reapiratation is O2+C6H2O(-> ATP)+Co2+H2O. so photoshynthesis eqaution backwards is celluar respirations equation. and they also have all the same stuff in them (water, carbon, energy, glucose, and oxygen.)

What is high respirations?

Fast breaths. Normal respirations are 12-20 breaths/minute. High is 24+ and low is 10-

What are two types of cellular communication?

cellphone, pager

Is fungi multi cellular?

Certain types of fungi happen to be uni-cellular. Others are multicellular, but I don't know the names of multi cellular fungi.

What is the name of low respirations?
