

What are the types of colleges?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Vetrenarian, Law, Medical,

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Violette Cummerata

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Q: What are the types of colleges?
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Most colleges have art departments and majors in different types of art.

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What kind of colleges are there?

The term "postsecondary education" would include all types of colleges and education available after the secondary (high school) level of education. "University" also includes the various "colleges" offered by one educational institution.

What term includes all types of college?

The term "postsecondary education" would include all types of colleges and education available after the secondary (high school) level of education. "University" also includes the various "colleges" offered by one educational institution.

2.5 GPA and 1200 on the SAT what kind of college can accept you?

Most colleges will but not the Ivy League types.