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Some uses of inter conversion of matter are given below-

1. Water can be changed into steam as well as ice. Therefore, in nature, ice (in the form of snow), liquid water as well as water vapour are available.

2. Steam evolved by heating water is used to run turbines and to generate electricity.

3. Metals are melted by heating and these molten metals can be converted into alloys, which have many uses.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Matter is everything in the world as we know it. It literally IS everything (unless you count anti-matter, but we still have not discovered it...)

For a definition, matter is any substance which has mass and occupies space.

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3mo ago

The interconversion of matter allows for the transformation of substances into different forms, such as solid to liquid or gas. This process is essential in various industries, such as manufacturing and agriculture, to create products and materials. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in natural processes like the water cycle and nutrient cycling in ecosystems.

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14y ago

The four states of matter are a solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The one we can observe with our senses is solid a and a liquid.

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13y ago

Type your answer here... applications of changes in matter

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Q: What are the uses of interconversion of matter?
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What are the practical application of interconversion of matter?

The interconversion of matter allows us to create new materials through chemical reactions, such as in the production of pharmaceuticals or plastics. It is also essential for processes like recycling, where waste materials can be transformed into new products. Understanding how matter can be converted helps in fields like agriculture, where nutrients are transformed into plant growth through processes like photosynthesis.

What is a sentence that uses the word matter?

The type of material you use for the project doesn't matter; what truly counts is how well you execute it.

What is the action of barium hydroxide in interconversion of fructose and glucose?

Barium hydroxide acts as a catalyst in the interconversion of fructose and glucose by isomerizing the ketohexose fructose to aldohexose glucose in the Lobry de Bruyn-van Ekenstein transformation. This process involves the migration of functional groups within the molecule, leading to the conversion of fructose to glucose.

What is the difference between epimer anomer and why anomerisation of glucose is not called epimerisation?

An Epimer is a stereoisomer of another compound that varies in its configuration at only one of the chiral centres. For example beta-D-glucopyranose and alpha-D-mannopyranose are epimers. An anomer is also a type of epimer,it is more specifically used in sugar chemistry.It is a stereoisomer of a saccharide (in the cyclic form) that differs only in its configuration at the hemiacetal or hemiketal carbon, also called the anomeric carbon.

Can a disaccharide mutaroate?

No, a disaccharide cannot mutarotate, as mutarotation is a specific process that involves the interconversion of alpha and beta anomers of a single sugar molecule. Disaccharides are composed of two sugar molecules linked together and do not have the ability to undergo mutarotation.

Related questions

What are the two factors responsible for interconversion of matter?

temparature and pressure

Mention any two ways by which interconversion of state of matter can be achieved?

Changes of pressure or temperature

What is interconversion of matter?

The interconversion of states of matter is used to : (i) generate electricity in thermal power plant.(ii) separate nitrogen and oxygen from air by liquefaction. (iii) prepare machine parts.(iv) prepare room fresheners.(v) prepare ice-creams.

Do the state of matter triangle show the interconversion of states of matter?

Yes, the state of matter triangle (solid to liquid to gas) shows the interconversion of states of matter through processes like melting, freezing, and vaporization. This illustrates how substances can transition from one state to another under different conditions of temperature and pressure.

What are the practical application of interconversion of matter?

The interconversion of matter allows us to create new materials through chemical reactions, such as in the production of pharmaceuticals or plastics. It is also essential for processes like recycling, where waste materials can be transformed into new products. Understanding how matter can be converted helps in fields like agriculture, where nutrients are transformed into plant growth through processes like photosynthesis.

How the interconversion of body take place when a ball thrown upward reaches the ground after certain height?

There is no such thing as "interconversion of body" in this case. There are energy conversions; perhaps that's what you mean?

What mean by interconversion of states of matter?

Interconversion of states of matter refers to the process of changing a substance from one state (solid, liquid, gas) to another. This can occur through processes such as melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, sublimation, and deposition, where energy is either absorbed or released to change the arrangement and motion of the particles.

What is interconversion of energy?

Interconversion of energy refers to the process where one form of energy can be converted into another form. This principle is based on the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Examples of energy interconversion include the conversion of electrical energy into light energy in a light bulb, or the conversion of chemical energy in food into kinetic energy for movement in our bodies.

What does conduction and convection uses that radiation does not?


Is solid liquid or gas a chemical or physical property?

interconversion between solid to liquid to gas is physical change

How is buoyancy related to matter?

Buoyancy is related to matter because it uses solids and liquids.

What is volume of matter?

That refers to the amount of space it uses.