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There are a number of equations that could answer this question.

Here are some:

glucose + oxygen => carbon dioxide + water

hydrocarbon + oxygen => carbon dioxide + water

Note: Hydrocarbons are (in general) petroleum vehicle fuels (though a number of other products are hydrocarbons). As the question was categorized in global warming, and because hydrocarbon burning is a major contributor to greenhouse gases, that equation may be the "best" one to answer this question.

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15y ago

CH2O + O2 > CO2 + H2O Carbohydrate and oxygen under specific conditions (bacterial oxidation) yield simpler waste products comprised of carbon dioxide and water. CO2 + H20 > CH2O + O2 Carbon dioxide and water under specific conditions (photosynthesis) yield simpler waste products of carbohydrate and oxygen.

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12y ago


carbon dioxide + water ---> glucose + oxygen


an easy way 2 remember this: The equation/process is the opposite of respiration

respiration is:

glucose + oxygen ---> carbon dioxide + water + ATP


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14y ago

hey there

Glucose+oxygen=>carbon dioxide+water

or the environmental one

hydrocarbon+oxygen=>carbon dioxide+water

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Put the combustion of carbon into a word equation?


What the symbol equation for aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

The word equations for anaerobic respiration are: glucose ---> energy + lactic acid (this is in animals) glucose ---> energy + ethanol (alcohol) +carbon dioxide (this is in plants and yeast) Hope this helps ;x The symbol equations for animals (i'm not sure about plants) are: Aerobic : C6H12O6 + 6O2 ----> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy g33 Anaerobic: C6H12O6 ----> C3H6O3 + Energy the word and symbol equation for photosynthisis: Carbon Dioxide + glucose --Light----> Oxygen + water 6CO2 + 6H2O --------> C6H12O6 + 6O2 And the symbol and word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast is: Glucose -------> ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy C6H12O6 ----------> C2H6OH + 2CO2 + energy

Which molecules are the products of aerobic respiration?

Carbon dioxide, water and energy are produced by aerobic respiration. The word equation for aerobic respiration is: Glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + energy Energy and lactic acid are produced by anerobic respiration The word equation for anaerobic respiration is: Glucose --> energy + lactic acid

What is the word eqaution for photosynthesis?

The word equation for photosynthesis is: carbon dioxide + water + light energy -> glucose + oxygen.

How many syllables in carbon dioxide?

There are 5 syllables in Carbon Dioxide, eg; (Car)(Bon)(Di)(Ox)(Ide), Or the Chemical Formula CO2 has 3 syllables e.g. (C)(O)(2)

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What are the word equations for processes that release or store carbon doixide?

The word equation for the process that releases carbon dioxide through respiration is glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy. The word equation for the process that stores carbon dioxide through photosynthesis is carbon dioxide + water + sunlight -> glucose + oxygen.

What is the main gas released during complete combustion of fossil fuels?

Carbon dioxide, CO2. The word and sybol equations are: hydrocarbon + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water CH4 +2H2O --> + CO2 (+energy) Hope this helped!

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CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2

What rhymes with carbon dioxide?

One word that rhymes with "carbon dioxide" is "overexcite."

Word equation for carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide can be represented by the word equation: carbon + oxygen -> carbon dioxide.

Put the combustion of carbon into a word equation?


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What is the written word equation for the process that releases and stores carbon dioxide?

glucose+oxygen--->carbon dioxide+waterhydrocarbon+oxygen--> carbon dioxide+water

Can anybody explain photosynthesis and respiration with word equations?

photosynthesis is the way plants use materials to create food and oxygen. The equation is:water + sunlight+ carbon dioxide = glucose + oxygenrespiration is the process in which plants release these products. the chemical equation is:glucose + oxygen = energy +carbon dioxide + water

Is carbon dioxide hard?

Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas at room temperature and pressure. It is not hard in the traditional sense of the word.

What are the products and reactents of cellular respiratyion?

On the lhs of the equations are the reactants and on the rhs are the products. Word equation: oxygen + water ---> carbon dioxide + sugar (glucose) Symbol equation: 6O2 + 6H2O ---> 6CO2 + C6H12O6

What is the written word equation for the processes that stores carbon dioxide?

hey there Glucose+oxygen=>carbon dioxide+water or the environmental one hydrocarbon+oxygen=>carbon dioxide+water