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Q: What are the works of Cecil day Lewis?
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When was Cecil Day-Lewis born?

Cecil Day-Lewis was born on April 27, 1904.

What is Cecil Day-Lewis's birthday?

Cecil Day-Lewis was born on April 27, 1904.

When did Cecil Day-Lewis die?

Cecil Day-Lewis died on May 22, 1972 at the age of 68.

How old was Cecil Day-Lewis at death?

Cecil Day-Lewis died on May 22, 1972 at the age of 68.

Is Cecil Day Lewis' wife alive?

No, Cecil Day-Lewis' wife, Jill Balcon, passed away in 2009.

How old is Cecil Day-Lewis?

Cecil Day-Lewis was born on April 27, 1904 and died on May 22, 1972. Cecil Day-Lewis would have been 68 years old at the time of death or 111 years old today.

What is the birth name of Cecil Lewis?

Cecil Lewis's birth name is Cecil Arthur Lewis.

What is relation between Daniel day Lewis and C.S. Lewis?

there is a misunderstanding doing the rounds that CS Lewis is Daniel Day Lewis father. Incorrect. CS Leiws had no natural children. His step son is Douglas Gresham. Daniel Day Lewis father is Cecil Day-Lewis also a British author

When was Cecil Arthur Lewis born?

Cecil Arthur Lewis was born on 1898-03-29.

When did Cecil Arthur Lewis die?

Cecil Arthur Lewis died on 1997-01-27.

When was Cecil Lewis - soccer - born?

Cecil Lewis - soccer - was born on 1981-02-03.

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Poet laureate of Britain