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Clothing such as sweaters, jackets, and hats help insulate our bodies and trap heat. Hot beverages like tea and coffee can also warm us up internally. Heating systems like radiators, fireplaces, and electric blankets are also effective in keeping us warm.

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Q: What are things that keep us warm?
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How do things stay warm?

Things stay warm by retaining heat energy within their molecules. This heat energy can come from external sources like the sun or internal sources like chemical reactions or friction, which creates kinetic energy that translates into heat. Insulation materials can also help trap heat by reducing the amount of heat that is lost to the surrounding environment.

Can heat keep things warm?

Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between objects, so it can help keep things warm by adding energy to them. However, the retention of warmth depends on the insulating properties of the material holding the heat and how well it prevents heat loss to the surroundings.

What are some things that keep you warm?

Wearing layers of clothing, drinking hot beverages, using blankets or a heating pad, and staying active to increase body heat are some things that can help keep you warm.

How does bubble wrap keep things warm?

Bubble wrap can help keep things warm by trapping air inside the bubbles, which acts as an insulator. The trapped air reduces heat loss by conduction, creating a barrier between the object and the surrounding environment. This helps to maintain the temperature of the object for a longer period of time.

Why does bubble wrap keep things warm?

Bubble wrap can help keep things warm by insulating the enclosed object. The trapped air pockets in the bubbles serve as a barrier that reduces heat transfer, helping to maintain the temperature of the item inside. This insulation property helps to prevent heat from escaping and keeps the object warmer for longer.

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Why does a blanket keep us warm?

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To insulate : To keep warm things warm and cold things cold

Can thermal insulators keep warm things warm?

Yes, that is their purpose.

When you feel cold what does your body do to keep us warm?

ONE of the things is to shiver. Shivering is involuntary muscle movement that creates heat.

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Why does wool keep us so warm?

they keep the sheep warm and they cut it and turn it into coat jersy but different colour

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they wore things to keep themselves warm

How animals keep warm?

They have layers of fat, feathers or fur to keep themselves warm. Unlike us, animals have fur so they can keep warm. Take a rabbit for instants, they live in a burrow so they have a warm home.