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Q: What are three examples of economic freedom for individuals?
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What are the three categories that make up freedom?

The three categories that make up freedom are political rights, civil rights, and economic freedom.

What are three guarantees in The Bill of Rights that protect the rights of individuals?

freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom, freedom of religion.

What are three reasons why people would want to come to North America in 16th century?

(1) Religious freedom (2) Economic freedom (3) Social freedom

What are the three main reasons people immigrated to the U.S?

political freedom, religious freedom, economic opportunities main reasons that people immigrated to the U.S

Three characteristic of the free enterprise system?

economic freedom, private property, voluntary exchange, the freedom of profit motive

What are the three main reasons that people immigrated to the U.S.?

political freedom, religious freedom, economic opportunities main reasons that people immigrated to the U.S

What are the three key factors resulting in a country's success as a world leader?

Decmocracy, Rule of Law, and Economic Freedom

What are three key economic rights that American enjoy?

life liberty and the pursuit of happiness given to USA through the constitution

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Econmic growth efficiency freedom

What is mean by term socio-economic issues explain by referring to three example of such issues?

The socio-economic issues are the problems that socioeconomics tackles and the factors that have negative influence on the individuals' economic activity. Such issues are lack of education, crime

What are three arguments against slavery?

Moral argument: Slavery violates basic human rights and dignity by treating individuals as property, denying them autonomy and freedom. Economic argument: Slavery is inefficient and hinders economic progress by suppressing innovation and entrepreneurship. Social argument: Slavery perpetuates social inequality and division by creating a system based on domination and exploitation of certain groups.

When was Three Moves to Freedom created?

Three Moves to Freedom was created in 1960.