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Well, inside the computer, the three main hardware components are RAM (Random Access Memory), The CPU (Central Processing Unit) and the Power Supply (Battery). On the outside, you have the monitor (Screen), keyboard (typey thing) and mouse (What you move the cursor with).

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three main hardware components are the computer screen a keyboard and the main computer would be maybe the OS such as windows xp and microsft word or windows paint.

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Q: What are three hardware and three software components of a computer?
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Computer Hardware consists of the physical components that make up a computer. Some examples are and Microprocessor, a Hard Drive, or a Motherboard. Computer Software consists of applications or programs that the user runs on a computer, such as a word processor or a video game. An Operating System is a specific piece of software that allows other software to manipulate computer hardware to achieve a desired effect. Some Operating Systems are Microsoft Windows, Unix/Linux, or Apple OS Basically the three interact as follows: Hardware <-> Operating System <-> Software (<-> specifies an interaction between two components.) In addition computer hardware deal with different devices that interact into the computer software then it show the capacity and data of the applications while the operating system it is the combination of performance which spreadout to access each other components. And stop cheating... Thankyou.

What are three components of computer hardware?

When you purchase a computer with self assemble you just require MotherBoard , DVD Writter,PowerSupply,RAM,Harddisk.These are important component of computer.

What are the three components of computer system?

Databases, Networking, and Operating Systems. I believe programming splits between the three through how the programmer uses the API. There probably is a different answer, but i feel that this is the most correct.

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What is the major difference between application software and system software?

System software is a program that enables computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system(which is hardwares). Systems software consists of three kinds of programs. The system management programs, system support programs, and system development programs Application software is a sub class of a computer program that employes the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly tasks that user wishes. Application software does not deal with hardware.

What are the features of system software?

The software components of a computer system are the data and the computer programs. Software can be further divided into seven layers. The seven layers of software are (top to bottom): Programs; System Utilities;Command Shell; System Services;User Interface; Logical Level; and Hardware Level.

What is computer hardware?

The term "Computer hardware" refers to the physical, tangible parts of the computer. The alternative, software exists only as a stream of data and code.If you can touch it, it is hardware. Ex: monitor, keyboard, mouse and even the hard disk.the computer hardware is the physical part of the computer system, it includes electronic devices, which have the potential for performing the task of solving a problem. The computer hardware is composed of three main components namely:Central Processing Units (CPU)Memory units ( Storage devices)Inpit/Output devicesIn addition computer hardware is very important parts because it handle the interconnection of each devices. it a set of different computer parts in such as motherboard, hardisk drive and cable wire connection. and also it is a main function of the computer application or software and technically requirements needs. computer hardware is every part of a computer you could touch if the computer was disassembled. examples: hard drive disk, memory, mouse, speakers, printer, etc... the "parts" you can't touch are SOFTWARE like for example: internet explorer, windows OS, any computer game or things you install on the computer.